
Prophet Tom Hughes Says a Sign of the End Times Is Everyone Taking Offense

Pastor Tom Hughes (Screenshot Hope For Our Times YouTube Page)

Read time: 3 minutes

In a recent YouTube video, prophet and lead pastor at 4|12 Church in San Jacinto, California, shared a powerful message from Jesus’ words in Matthew 24.

Pastor Hughes compared Jesus’ own words to the happenings across the world that are indicative of the End Times.

As Jesus spoke to His disciples on the Mount of Olives, He explained what would be happening in the world before His return.

Hughes discusses each reference Jesus spoke of in his video which has garnered over 85,000 views already. Hughes notes that it will no longer be these occurrences happening individually, but a conglomeration of these events around the End Times that will occur at the same time.

“All kinds of stuff is going to go wrong,” Hughes explains. “But there’s coming a time when they all converge at the same time and increase like birth pains upon a pregnant woman. That’s when you can tell you were at the end of days.”

Pointing to a phrase that Jesus says that is often overlooked for more popular warnings about wars and rumors of wars, Hughes highlights Jesus saying that everyone of the world will be offended:

“Man, you talk about being offended, you think of the words of Jesus where many will be offended,” Hughes said. “It seems like everywhere you go everybody’s offended. Jesus is telling us it’s actually going to get worse.”

Many in the world today are looking to political figures for guidance and leadership. Hughes points to the reality that only Jesus can offer true guidance during the End Times.

As Hughes continued, he read from an excerpt written by End Times expert Michael Snyder who believes humans are living in the End Times today.

Highlighting the confirmation of wars and rumors of wars with conflicts involving Russia, Ukraine, China, North and South Korea, Israel and Iran, Snyder believes the world is approaching a dangerous precipice.

As fertilizer supplies run low, the increasing likelihood of famines become more of a reality. This loss is amplified even more as countries like the Netherlands are forcing thousands of farms to close so that they are able to meet carbon emission standards set by the European Union.

But Hughes reassures Christians that they do not need to fear the coming struggles that the earth is going to endure. Jesus foretold these things, and He is in control of it all.

“People are waking up and they’re waking up to something being wrong,” Hughes said. “They want to hear the truth. Do we have any hope? Yes, our hope is in Jesus Christ. We have the answers right here [holds up the Bible] in this book!”

Just as the Lord gave Joseph the insight to prepare for the famine in Egypt, Jesus also foretold of the world’s coming problems. Christians have been told about what is going to happen, and have been given time to prepare.

“These are things that the Bible told us about, not to scare us, but to prepare us,” Hughes explained. “Not to make us afraid, but to build our faith so we would know Jesus told us all of these different things … Your hope isn’t in a politician, your hope isn’t in how much money you have in your bank account, your hope isn’t in anything of this world. Your hope is in Jesus Christ.”

To view pastor Tom Hughes’ video in its entirety, click here.

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James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma Media.

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