
Bible Verse of the Day: Advent Season, Psalm 89:1-4


Wednesday Dec. 7, 2022

Psalms 89:1-4

A Contemplative Maskil of Ethan the Ezrahite:

I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever; with my mouth I will make known Your faithfulness to all generations.

For I have said, “Mercy shall be built up forever; Your faithfulness shall be established in the heavens.”
You have said, “I have made a covenant with my chosen one; I have sworn to David my servant:
‘Your offspring I will establish forever, and build up your throne for all generations.’ ” Selah

The Enemy’s Conspiracies

David prayed against the enemy conspiracies of the wicked. The psalms are filled with references to the plans of his enemies to overthrow him. His prayers were the key in destroying these plans and bringing him deliverance. David prayed for his enemies to be scattered, confused, exposed, and destroyed.

David’s struggles were with natural enemies. Behind these natural enemies were spiritual ones that were opposed to the Davidic kingdom. Jesus was to come from this line and sit upon this throne. David was fighting something beyond the natural. Through the Holy Spirit he was contending with the powers of darkness that were set against the arrival of the kingdom of God.

These powers were also manifested through Herod, who attempted to kill the coming Messiah. Herod was driven by spirits of fear and murder. He was used by Satan to attempt to abort the coming kingdom. However, the Holy Spirit had already been loosed through the prayers of David, and David’s throne was secure.

Many warfare prayers are taken from the psalms of David. Jesus is the Son of David. He sits on the throne of David. David’s prophetic prayers were weapons against the enemy’s attempt to stop the promised seed. David’s victories in prayer opened the way for his throne to continue. The throne of wickedness was unable to overcome the throne of righteousness.

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