
Prayer for Safety of School Campuses – Intercessors for America

School shootings — a crime that used to be unheard-of and unthinkable — are in the news more and more. Mass violence seems to be popping up in the most unexpected places. However, beloved, history belongs to the intercessors. This is a topic for prayer; but as we pray, God will move and help us.

Join others crying out to the Lord day and night.

Remember this scripture:

“So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one” (Ezekiel 22:30 NKJV).

In this scripture, God tells us that He sought for ONE person to stand in the gap before Him for the land. The prayers of ONE person would have been good enough to move Him to preserve the land! God didn’t find anyone willing to stand in that gap at the time. However, TODAY, we are all intercessors who are praying ardently for our land.

Therefore, as we add this thing to our corporate prayer lists, we know that God WILL hear and answer.

Consider this passage:

“And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it” (John 14:13–14 NKJV).

Do you believe that God will intervene and protect our schools if we pray? If so, let’s join together in unity and agreement and pray this prayer for the safety of school campuses:

Father God, we come to You in Jesus’ name.

Thank You that the name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it, and they are safe. And thank You that You are Lord of the angel armies; all the hosts of heaven are at Your beck and call, and You send them where You wish, to carry out the voice of Your word.

Father, You have seen the terrible outbreak of school shootings and other kinds of violence in our schools over the past few years. But Father, we believe that history belongs to the intercessors. We believe that if we will pray and speak Your word over our schools, You will answer and stop this rash of violence in our schools.

Therefore, Father, in the name of Jesus, we pray and speak and declare:

  • that Your angels will surround every school in our nation, protecting the facilities and the people in them;
  • that Your angels will link arms around the schools, doing warfare on our behalf and forming an impenetrable barrier that does not allow any evil thing to pass through;
  • that our children are safe in Your name;
  • that all the people at every school in our nation dwell in the secret place of the Most High and abide under the shadow of the Almighty. We say of You, Father, that You are our refuge and shelter; You are a very present Help in trouble;
  • We decree and declare all the protections of Psalm 91 over our schools.

Father, we ask in Jesus’ name that Your Holy Spirit would hover and brood over our schools. We ask that You would personally rise up to defend the schools.

We ask also:

  • that You would dismantle and stop any weapon of violence; that they would misfire and NOT WORK at all if anyone even tries to use them to perpetuate violence against anyone in our nation, of any age;
  • that You would prevent murderers and would-be murderers from obtaining access to weapons of any kind that they would use to carry out their diabolical plans;
  • that You would supernaturally remove any weapons that are already in the hands of murderers or would-be murderers. Whether those weapons are guns or fentanyl or bombs or any other evil thing, we ask that Your angels would pick up those weapons and remove them, so that the wicked cannot access them or use them;
  • that just as in the days of Queen Esther of the Bible, Your people would remain fully capable of and equipped for defending themselves as needed;
  • that every school would have an adequate contingent of school resource officers (SROs) and other law enforcement personnel, as needed;
  • that every SRO and law enforcement officer would have the courage and boldness from You to handle every situation that needs to be handled at every school. Let them be brave and not cowardly;
  • that You would give law enforcement officers Your heart for the students and faculty they serve — and help them to be mighty in You, and in the power of Your might;
  • that You would help every parent of a suffering young person (who might be prone to violence) to know that the young person is suffering; to identify the source of that suffering; and to obtain the help needed;
  • that we would pass laws, according to Your will, that allow teachers to defend themselves and their students — and that they would actually be equipped to defend themselves, including but not limited to the carrying of weapons to work if necessary. Give us wisdom regarding this, Lord, and let Your wisdom be in every state government, every county government, and every school board regarding this as well;
  • that You would intervene when any person is planning violence in a school or against the people in a school; that You would expose their plans for evil; that those plans would be stopped, arrested, and destroyed; and that You would bring the would-be perpetrators to justice;
  • that You would minister to and save every person who is so depraved and is hurting so much that they are even considering violence against our schools;
  • we pray these same protections over every gathering place as well: churches, schools, bars, shopping malls, grocery stores, and every other kind of place where people have been going to commit violence. Make the violence stop, Lord; have mercy on us. Pour out Your Spirit upon us; help us, and heal our land.

Father God, we ask that from now on any wicked plan that anyone has to commit violence against the American people would be exposed and stopped, and that the would-be perpetrator is brought to justice before the plan ever gets implemented.

We pray that if any person is asked to commit violence on behalf of another, that this person would refuse, and that those plans would also be stopped. And give school administrators, teachers, leaders, safety officers, school boards, and local, state, and federal governments the WISDOM to implement the strategies and solutions You send to prevent violence and enforce safety.

Thank You, Abba Father. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.”

Friend, I encourage you to pray this prayer often. Let us link arms in prayer and stand in the gap before the Lord for our land. He will hear, and He will do whatever we ask in the mighty name of Jesus Christ our Savior!

Did you pray this prayer in agreement with us today? If so, leave a comment below!

Jamie Rohrbaugh is the author of 7 Days of Praying for Your Children: Help, Hope, and Encouragement for Your Parenting Journey. She is the founder and CEO of From His Presence, a ministry dedicated to equipping God’s people in prayer, the prophetic word, living supernaturally, inner healing, and kingdom wealth. Her writing can be found on YouVersion Bible Plans, in Charisma Magazine, and on The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and various other ministry outlets. Download her free prayer tool, Praying the Names of God: 555 Biblical Names of God and How to Use Them in Prayer and Worship, here. Photo Credit: Kenny Eliason on Unsplash.

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