
‘So Much Hatred’: Vandals Smash Ancient Church’s Nativity Scene in Barbaric Attack


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Just four days after it was erected, vandals decimated a nativity scene at an ancient church in England.

The Rev. Danny Morrison, vicar of the 13th century All Saints Church in Ipswich, told local media members of his congregation were “distraught and saddened” by the “barbaric” attack that left the nativity scene in shambles, according to LBC News.

“Why would someone have so much hatred and desire to ruin and destroy something that is not their property, and something that is there to express someone’s belief?” he asked. “I am also saddened because I know the amount of work put in by so many at the church, and also saddened for the people that have done it.”

He added, “What state might their life be like if they find pleasure in doing this? I am trying to make sense, which I really can’t.”

Another church member reportedly said the vandals responsible for the attack—which left the figurine of Joseph without a head—should be “ashamed” of their “barbaric” assault on the religious display.

The attack this week suspiciously mirrors a similar act of vandalism carried out against the same nativity scene in 2018. The Ipswich display was targeted several times that year, ITV News reported.

One church leader, Jane Cornish, was particularly discouraged by the latest attack on the nativity, because the figurines, she said, “took a long time to put up,” according to the Daily Mail.

“We feel is something that is appreciated around here,” she said, noting church members work hard to make sure the Christmas scene “looks nice.”

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