
The Chinese Communist Party’s Declaration of War Against America – Intercessors for America

If you’ve read our series of Special Reports, China at War with America, and other articles we’ve posted, you already know that the Chinese Communist Party is targeting us. But Frank Gaffney Jr. has identified some chilling details, including the newspaper that printed its declaration of war.

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Gaffney, founder and executive chairman of the Center for Security Policy, in Washington, D.C., spoke at the IFA Policy & Prayer Summit on Oct. 26.

You can soon hear Gaffney’s talk on our podcast, but here are some highlights:

This is about spiritual warfare. What we are talking about is evil incarnate, on a scale unimaginable, and unprecedented in human history. So it’s not a small challenge that I’m going to put to you, but it’s a vital one. … The Chinese Communist Party has been the most brutal regime in human history to its own people, because that’s who it controls at the moment. … Industrial-grade organ harvesting particularly aimed at people of faith — and other political prisoners — is now a big business in China. Genocide is being committed against some of those faith communities, the Uygurs, other Turkic minorities.”


Then he drills down into how the CCP is doing this:

We’ve come to call this the digital gulag. It is a highly refined and increasingly sophisticated and very comprehensive technology for doing what the Chinese have done the old-fashioned way — just with informants and police-state apparatuses — but now can do with computers, hundreds of millions of surveillance cameras, facial and gait recognition. …

He later explains that they can identify people by how they walk, when they’re too far from the cameras to pick up facial features.

He continues:

Big data, quantum computing, artificial intelligence, and so on, to essentially tell them where any Chinese person is at any moment. … And not only tell them all of that, but who they interact with, where they work, their bank accounts, their health status, and the people that they interact with. This is Orwellian on steroids.

Then he brought it all home: If they can do that to their own people, they can do it to the rest of us, and that is their aspiration.

Speaking of Xi Jinping’s breaking of precedent to enter a third term as president of the People’s Republic of China, Gaffney calls him “the first Chinese communist emperor of China.” Gaffney goes on:

… What he envisions is taking the China dream of world domination and realizing it. And in his speech to the Party Congress … he made it very clear that, not just as it is determination to conquer Taiwan, but to destroy what he calls hegemony. And we are the hegemon that he has in mind.

Gaffney warns:

This is not just empty rhetoric or … unachievable ambitions. These are techniques that are in place today to realize world domination.

He lists a few more:

The Belt and Road Initiative is a marketing slogan for a colonial infrastructure build-out program that currently has, last count, 145 out of 193 total nations in the world signed up to it. … Now they’re in various stages of becoming essentially vassal states of the colonial empire. … And what this is doing is, it is building infrastructure: ports, airfields, road networks, rail networks, access to mineral resources and markets, and the like. That is giving the Chinese Communist Party the capacity to reach basically worldwide. …

He says one of the ways they’re doing this is through elite capture:

In country after country, they typically go in, and they simply bribe the leader, and they get them to sign up to payday loans. … It’s basically a fraudulent scheme whereby you commit to pay back — at a premium — what it seemed to be up-front, relatively cheap loans, which they will use to pay for building out the infrastructure. But inevitably, especially in these third-world countries, which most of them are, they can’t make the payments. And then the Chinese simply foreclose on whatever it is they’ve built. …

Then Gaffney gets even closer to home when he describes their approach to propaganda:

One of the ways the elite captured our media is that they pay for so called news supplements … which are basically just their propaganda published in The Washington Post, published in The New York Times. … There is in the fine print a distinction made that it’s paid for by the CCP. … It’s used inexorably to persuade people to align with them. So we’re the only real impediment to the realization of this agenda of theirs. And as a result, every single one of us is in their crosshairs. And it won’t matter whether you’re a Democrat or Republican, by the way.

Gaffney says this has been going on for decades:

Deng Xiaoping … the general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party … adopted a strategy in the early 1990s called the Hide and Bide Strategy. … He wanted to make sure that we were so deeply engaged with the Chinese that we were enabling their economic growth, and more generally their power, by investing in them, by giving them technology, by transferring know-how, and otherwise enabling the growth of that power. …. [It’s] essentially unrestricted warfare against us: economic, political, information, espionage, technology, theft, elite capture … in other words, everything they could possibly use to take us down, short of military force, which … back in 1999, certainly was really not an option. But that’s changed.

The Declaration

Gaffney dug into a May 2019 article in the People’s Daily, which he calls “the chief platform of the Chinese Communist Party for propaganda.” He says the paper published a declaration of a ‘people’s war’ against our country.” He elaborates:

We’ve actually seen these lines of attack, translating into direct material harm to our country for decades. Anybody heard of fentanyl? This is a chemical warfare agent used very deliberately by the Chinese Communist Party to kill … last year, something on the order of 100,000 Americans. … Confucius Institutes … on college campuses, nominally … train people in Mandarin, but [they’re] actually used as outposts for recruitment, indoctrination, intimidation, and espionage. … [They’re] buying up land in this country. … especially some in close proximity to strategic, important military bases, like in Grand Forks, North Dakota. Penetration of Chinese companies — big time — in lots of different ways, including into state pension funds. Now, you may or may not know this, but those are your funds, whether it’s state funds or 401(k) plans, what’s left to them.

Then he talks about how Deng introduced the idea of biological warfare, which bore fruit with the coronavirus:

There is abundant, albeit circumstantial — because the direct evidence is being withheld — evidence that it came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a level-4 biological warfare facility in Wuhan, China. And lo and behold, we have finally learned — no thanks to Tony Fauci — that he funded it, that he made it possible using American developed gain-of-function technology, which was shared with them, so that they could use it, when he was not permitted to do that sort of thing in our country, because it was, frankly, too dangerous. … By some estimates, a million of us have been killed by their biological warfare attack. … They deliberately, purposefully, malevolently, and, in fact, murderously let it out of their country, sending it, among other places, here.

Gaffney warns that the worst may be yet to come:

What they sent out … was a relatively innocuous virus … a bad flu. … Some got very sick, and some died. Indeed, but the vast majority of us didn’t. But what they’ve got in the arsenal has — by some estimates — the capacity to kill 80% of those who are infected. And if that’s what they want — because if they can kill us off without damaging the infrastructure — it makes it possible to colonize this magnificent country of ours. …

Also, Gaffney is concerned that Xi’s Zero-COVID policy is partly to prepare them “for the kind of sacrifice that will be entailed in a war. And he’s demonstrating the party’s ability to make them make those sacrifices.” Now Xi’s extreme lockdowns have many calling for his resignation.

A Six-Point Plan

Gaffney believes we can fight back in nonviolent ways. He was speaking in the run-up to the midterm elections, so he focused on convincing political candidates —  in order to win votes — to agree to a six-point plan to stop the CCP. Their brief is still available at

Gaffney reminds us:

God is on our side. … This is going to take big prayer if we’re to have a chance.

Be sure to download our three-part Special Report, China at War with America, from our Resources tab, for more prayer strategies.

Find other articles from our series on the IFA Policy & Prayer Summit by searching for IFAsummit on

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(Photo Credit: Intercessors for America)

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