
Morning Rundown Jonathan Cahn Reveals the Shocking Mystery of the Rainbow

(Charisma News archives)

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Jonathan Cahn Reveals the Shocking Mystery of the Rainbow

The gods are back.

And now they’re dominating the culture of America.

Is it possible that behind one of the most prevalent and ubiquitous symbols of America and the modern world lies a dark and ancient mystery?

In his mind-blowing new book, “The Return of the Gods,” bestselling author Jonathan Cahn outlines how America’s turning away from God has opened the door to dark entities that are at work at this very moment transforming the nation and Western civilization—and affecting every one of our lives.

Ex-Psychic Warns of Yoga: ‘You’re Opening Demonic Doors’

Yoga is an international exercise phenomenon, evolving to become an integrated part of many people’s fitness routines. But the physical activity has also emerged as a point of debate among some believers who see it as far more sinister than mere stretches and poses.

Jenn Nizza, an ex-psychic who spent years doing readings and communicating with what she believed were the dead loved ones of her clients, is among those speaking out.

Nizza is now a Christian who shares her story of leaving the occult, and she recently told CBN’s Faithire why she believes yoga isn’t just “stretching and breathing.”

Frontline Doctor Stella Immanuel Reveals Prophetic Insight from Revelation 6 and What’s Coming Next

Dr. Stella Immanuel of Houston, Texas gained notoriety during the COVID pandemic as one of the frontline doctors who said hydroxychloroquine, and later Ivermectin could help patients recover from the virus. At the time, many said they were wrong and they were cancelled by the mainstream media. However, now it seems clear they were right.

Dr. Immanuel is speaking out about the prophetic aspect of what is happening and how it ties in to Revelation. It’s not a happy message, but something you should listen to in my Strang Report podcast. The purpose of our discussion is to help you be prepared.

In 2020, When I heard she was a Pentecostal Christian and a Charisma reader, I invited her on my podcast and we have become friends.

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