
Our 25 Most-read Online Articles in 2022

This year’s synod, the Christian Reformed Church’s annual general assembly, has been called a watershed moment for the CRC. A new leadership structure was adopted, and the stark differences in how the denomination’s member churches and individual members approach Scripture and apply it to the question of LGBTQ relationships were evident in speeches from the floor. While many members are grateful for the clarity that synod expressed in affirming “that ‘unchastity’ in Heidelberg Catechism Q. and A. 108 encompasses adultery, premarital sex, extramarital sex, polyamory, pornography, and homosexual sex, all of which violate the seventh commandment” and in recognizing the confessional status of its interpretation, there are also those who express being shut out by synod’s decisions. 

Actions by classes (regional groups of churches) in the months since synod indicate the denomination’s wrestling with these matters is far from over. No wonder, then, as we look at the content statistics on in 2022, just about half of the 25 most-accessed online articles between January and December are connected to synod—including 11 news stories, Shiao Chong’s editorial “Beware Loveless Orthodoxy,” and a lament in our As I Was Saying blog. 

Another of Chong’s editorials, “Political Tribalism” from February 2020, is in the top 25, as is his January 2022 feature “Racism and the Bible” and his 2021 Behind the Banner blog post “Why We Capitalize ‘Black’ and Not ‘White’.”  

Three Cross Examination columns—“Do Miracles Like Those Jesus Performed Still Happen Today?” “How Do We Know Christianity Is the Only True Religion?” and “Is Atheism a Religion?”—and another As I Was Saying blog post, “We Need to Talk about the Christian Reformed Church,” also made the list.

Two archived features—“The Spiritual Significance of Trees” (April 2020) and “Can a Christian Really be a Psychologist?” (March 2009)—an editorial from a past editor, “Jesus Barabbas or Jesus Christ?” (Dec. 2015), and a Mixed Media discernment resource for parents, “5 Helpful Websites for Parents” (July 2013), round out the top 25.  

Here’s the list with links, in order of most views to fewer:

  1. Synod 2022 Upholds Traditional Stance on Same-sex Relationships
  2. How Do We Know Christianity Is the Only True Religion? (2020)
  3. Synod Declares Stance on Homosexual Sex ‘Confessional’
  4. The Spiritual Significance of Trees (2020)
  5. Neland Avenue CRC Ordered to Comply with Denominational Position on Same-Sex Marriage
  6. Delegate Loses Right to Speak
  7. Everyone’s Talking about the Human Sexuality Report
  8. Synod 2022: In Person, But Not Together
  9. We Need to Talk about the Christian Reformed Church
  10. Beware Loveless Orthodoxy
  11. LGBTQ Allies Lament at Synod
  12. Synod 2022 Delegates Find Crowd of LGBTQ Allies Outside Their Session
  13. Is Atheism a Religion? (2019)
  14. Synod Begins Sexuality Discussions With Prayer of Lament
  15. Do Miracles Like Those Jesus Performed Still Happen Today? (2020)
  16. Jesus Barabbas or Jesus Christ? (2015)
  17. After Synod 2022: Discerning What Now
  18. Historic California Congregation Disaffiliates From the CRC
  19. 5 Helpful Websites for Parents (2013)
  20. Synod 2022 Elects Experienced and First-time Officers
  21. CRC Synod 2022: A Lament
  22. Can a Christian Really be a Psychologist? (2009)
  23. Why We Capitalize ‘Black’ and Not ‘White’ (2021)
  24. Political Tribalism (2020)
  25. Racism and the Bible
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