
A Christmas Word | Ken and Jan Merop : Blue Ridge Christian News

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A Christmas Word

By Ken and Jan Merop

Cleveland, Tennesseeken and Jan Merop Avery County

Imagine the incredible power of the spoken word that flung the stars into space and called them by name.  Just think of majestic mountains pushing up into enormous splendor by the word spoken in creation.

The oceans, streams, rivers, waterfalls…all came into being by the word of his mouth.

When considering the heavens and all the rest of creation, take it a step further and contemplate the One who gave it being – the Word.

The Bible clearly states it this way in John 1: 1-5, NIV, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was with God in the beginning.  Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.  In him was life, and that life was the light of men.  The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.”

The Christmas story is one of wonder, love, grace, and mercy.  It is God reaching out to man to pull him out of the darkness into his glorious light.


It surrounds the story of Christ’s birth – angels, stars, Magi, shepherds, a stable, a virgin, a newborn baby – yet divine and eternal.  The prophecy about him said that he would be called Wonderful.  That is, full of wonder.


Why would God the Father allow God the Son to lay aside his glory and be born a tiny baby – helpless, powerless?  Why would Jesus choose to come knowing his purpose was to die a horrible death on the cross for the sins of each and every one of us individually?  What held him there?  The nails?  No.  Love.  “For God so loved…that he gave…”


Grace is God giving us what we don’t deserve.  The sinful nature that Adam incurred in his disobedience and that we inherited could only be dealt a death blow by One who was sinless.  That One is Jesus.  Sin’s penalty is death.  But through Jesus’ sacrifice, grace was extended and we get a life when we believe and receive his free gift.  Giving us one way is a gracious gift.


Mercy is God withholding what we do deserve.  He looked upon our sinful condition that separated us from having a relationship with him and made a way for us to come to the Father.

Many words describe this beautiful season of the year.  But it is only because the Word, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, is truly the reason for the season.

He is the Christmas Word.  Selah

  Melody of Love

An angel’s sweet harp song

amidst starlight’s glow…

Evergreens and pinecones

whisper be still, be slow…


the newborn Babe’s rhythmic heartbeat

sings His melody of love.

“For there is born to you this day…a Savior,

who is Christ the Lord.”

 Luke 2: 11


After six years in the mountains of Avery County, Ken and Jan Merop are now living in the hilly Tennessee countryside of Cleveland, TN…just outside of Chattanooga.  Ken’s photos can be seen at

Read more Christian news from Ken and Jan HERE.


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