
The presence, and the presents, of the past

I was – at long last – dusting my bookshelves the other day when I came across a particularly crusty volume: “The Tales of Poe.” An inscription read, “To Robert, From Mom and Dad, 12/25/65.” 

Holding that tome, I was suddenly awash in nostalgia. The book’s cover became a window into the Christmas of my 11th year.

There I was, racing through the streets of Jersey City, New Jersey, rushing headlong toward the holidays. There was more snow then, which meant more snowball fights. We battled from opposite sides of the street – me, Steve, Jimmy, Sal, Rupert, Charlie, Dwayne, Vito, Tommy, Bobby, Vinnie – until our hands were raw with cold and a sympathetic parent emerged with paper cups of hot chocolate to soothe the ache and stoke our energy.

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