
Prominent Senator Implores Young Men to Stop Watching Porn

(Charisma News archives)

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Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) isn’t mincing words in his repudiation of the proliferation of pornography.

A recent survey found a majority of men (57%) ages 30 to 49 years old have watched pornography in the last month, while 42% said they had watched it in the last week. There’s no doubt porn consumption is a scourge on American culture, particularly among young men.

During Turning Point USA’s America Fest over the weekend, Hawley delivered a blunt but impactful message to guys spending time watching pornography.

“Young men, let me make a suggestion to you,” he said in a clip recently shared to his Twitter account. “Why don’t you turn off the computer and log off the porn and go ask a real woman on a date. How about that? It’s just a thought.”

“Ask her out,” the senator said again. “Young men, why don’t you be the ones to do the asking. How about that? Don’t wait for her; you go ask. Show her a little respect. And then you take her out and you treat her right. How about that? Don’t make her cater to your whims. Treat her right; treat her like what she is, a woman, a person of incredible significance created in the image of God.”

The clip of Hawley circulated on Twitter Sunday, with some users making fun of the lawmaker for his comments. But he stood by them, responding, “Yes. I did. And I’m right,” to a person who shared the video of him, writing, “Hawley tells young men to turn off the porn and go ask a real woman out on a date.”

This is not the first time Hawley has spoken out against pornography.

In Nov. 2021, during an interview with Axios, Hawley said it’s incumbent upon conservatives to “call men back to responsibility.”

“We’ve got to say that spending your time not working … spending your time on video games, spending your time watching porn online while doing nothing is not good for you, your family, or this country,” he said.

And in March of this year, Hawley intensely questioned then-Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson during her Senate confirmation hearing for a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court.

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