
Why Are People Getting Candice Cameron Bure’s Statement So Wrong?

(Candace Cameron Bure Facebook Page)

Read time: 4 minutes 26 seconds

The backlash that Candace Cameron Bure received from Hollywood was expected. Even understood.

Hollywood is of the world, and has a noticeable agenda that is anti-God. But what about people who profess to be Christians taking her comments about traditional marriage out of context?

In the now-viral interview with The Wall Street Journal, Bure said that while at Great American Family, she wanted to focus on biblically-based stories.

“I knew that the people behind Great American Family were Christians that love the Lord and wanted to promote faith programming and good family entertainment. … I think that Great American Family will keep traditional marriage at the core,” Bure said.

So why would such a statement garner this negative response from those within the Christian faith?

In a recent podcast, Veggie Tales creator Phil Vischer criticized Bure and GAF, while appearing to find Ben Shapiro and the Daily Wire’s investment into media distasteful, alleging they have a plan to erase LGBTQ people from sight.

Vischer explained:

“If you’re trying to create, if you’re trying to present a world where certain classes of people do not exist, I’m pretty uncomfortable with that…my fear is that GAF, Great American Family, is going so far as to erase the existence of sexual or gender minorities, which I don’t think is beneficial at all to society, to just say, ‘hey, these people don’t exist in this world. So, join us in this world where the people you don’t like don’t exist.'”

And as ever, none of the related parties have said anything about pretending people who live LGBTQ lifestyles do not exist. But any person who calls themselves a Christian, and has opened a Bible, knows that living a homosexual lifestyle or attempting to change their gender to something different that what God made them, is a sin.

Those are not Bure’s or anyone else’s words, they are God’s Words.

Yet so many have taken to the mindset that to show members of the LGBTQ community the love of Jesus, they have to affirm their lifestyle choices, which could not be further from the truth. It instead condemns them to living a life of sin that will keep them separated from their Father in heaven.

Bure even clarified her position and her love for all people regardless of how they live their lives: “All of you who know me, know beyond question that I have great love and affection for all people,” Bure wrote. “It absolutely breaks my heart that anyone would ever think I intentionally would want to offend and hurt anyone. It saddens me that the media is often seeking to divide us, even around a subject as comforting and merry as Christmas movies. But, given the toxic climate in our culture right now, I shouldn’t be surprised. We need Christmas more than ever.”

Sadly, many Christians in America today have decided to place others feelings above obeying the Word of God. By placing anything over obedience to the Word of God, a person’s testimony becomes compromised, because as Christians there is no greater authority than God’s Word. The Bible clearly states that living a lifestyle that lines up with the LGBTQ ideology is a sin, how would promoting that lifestyle in turn not be a sin? Simply because American society has been deceived by the devil and his minions that homosexuality, transgenderism and the promotion of these lifestyles are acceptable, does not mean that God considers them acceptable.

Yes, God loves everyone Jesus died on the cross for everyone, too. Yes, yes, a thousand times yes, but when Jesus was speaking to the adulterous woman in John 8 and stopped the crowd from judging (stoning) her for her sins, He said, “Neither do I condemn you.” Often this is where people stop reading this verse. But the most important part comes right after Jesus says these words to her, He closes the statement with, “Go and sin no more.”

Jesus does not tell her to continue her lifestyle as it was. He commands her not to be adulterous anymore and live a righteous life. That is love. Correction, grace and mercy are love. Not tolerance of lifestyles that will condemn someone for all eternity.

Paul writes, several times, about living a lifestyle like the LGBTQ ideology promotes leads to a path of destruction. This is why the enemy has tried and succeeded in convincing so many that to love those who live this lifestyle they must accept this lifestyle.

There is an old saying that goes, “Your best friends are the ones who tell you what you don’t want to hear,” and other versions of the phrase. A true friend will tell you the truth.

Christians need to be that friend to the LGBTQ community. Because if they aren’t, then who will tell them about the saving grace of Jesus Christ? Who will try and turn them from the path that leads away from God and their eventual destruction?

Bure has it right in this case. Love the person, but do not condone their actions when they run opposite to what the Bible teaches.

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James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma Media.

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