
Amy Grant Hosts Gay Wedding – Honors or Dishonors God? – Intercessors for America

Analysis. “Honor marriage, and guard the sacredness of sexual intimacy between wife and husband … ” (Hebrews 13:4 MSG). 

Some months ago, Joe Biden hosted a gathering with pop star and gay icon Elton John and about 2,000 LGBTQ celebrants on the White House lawn. Had I been invited, I would have attended just for the opportunity to evangelize — as I have done at some 20 or so gay-pride events.

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In situations like this, it’s extremely important to discern God’s will. If I were a new convert and knew there’d be nudity, drugs and revelry, and if I struggled with same-sex attraction, or if I were a young person and my parents had prohibited me to attend, then I wouldn’t go.

Apart from a strategic LGBTQ outreach, could I envision ever hosting a homosexual/lesbian event at my church or on my property? I wouldn’t do it.

A recent news story reported that Amy Grant was to host a niece’s gay wedding at her farm. I believe she’s doing this sincerely, as a goodwill gesture, but it’s generating understandable concern about its appropriateness and what it communicates. Having ministered with her in the past at Jesus Festival events, I know Amy is a loving person.

What Would Jesus Do?

As iconic Christian leader Charles Spurgeon once cautioned: “Discernment is not knowing the difference between right and wrong. It is knowing the difference between right and almost right.”

The Bible directs us to examine all things and to hold to that which is good (1 Thessalonians 5:21), and also to exhibit maturity, as demonstrated by the willingness to discern between good and evil (Hebrews 5:14).

Moreover, God wants our love to abound increasingly, with knowledge and discernment, so that we will be able to approve what is the best (Philippians 1:9–10).

“There’s many things I don’t understand about God,” Amy said recently. Perhaps the beauty of His holiness alongside His love is one of those things. 

The Back Story

On Proud Radio one young man openly shared his sad story of being abused and later “coming out” as a homosexual. He explained how a counselor had told him that it didn’t matter how he got to being gay, and that there was no spout he could turn on to make him straight. “I left the church that didn’t accept gay people and went out into the world to be gay,” he said.

That young man continued: “And to hear Amy say that I am welcome at God’s table as a gay man is so affirming.”

And now, given his new gay identity, he prefers to refer to God as a female: “I call God ‘She’ to fight the patriarchy.”

On Pride Source, Amy said: “I know the religious community has not been very welcoming … but with God everybody is welcome. Everybody!”

And on Proud Radio, she said: “It’s so important to set a welcoming table … you’re loved. Gay. Straight. It doesn’t matter … It doesn’t matter how we behave. It doesn’t matter how we’re wired.”

Amy adds: “God simply wants us to love Him and love each other.”

The Basics — ABC

A reasonable question: Is this another “crossover” move — similar to when Amy crossed over from contemporary Christian music to a more pop-culture genre? Let’s examine the situation from a purely Biblical worldview, resolving not to accommodate culture, but to align ourselves with sacred Scripture.

A.  Affirm God’s design

The Bible unambiguously defines God’s design for marriage to be between one man and one woman (Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:5; Ephesians 5:31).

“For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths (2 Timothy 4:3–4 NIV).

B.  Believe and behave

A combination of charity and clarity is essential in communicating that a homosexual lifestyle is a direct contradiction of Scripture, where there is not one verse that endorses it. God’s word prohibits it, and it also conveys the hope for transformation of those who struggle in it (see 1 Corinthians 6:9–11). God’s help comes when those who are struggling admit their problem. A homosexual man once asked Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.: “What do I do with my problem?” King was able to help that man to freedom, because he had admitted that he had a problem (see Bullseye Challenge Chap. 18–20).

The Lord Jesus Christ stated unequivocally: “Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do what I tell you? (Luke 6:46). Loving God and obeying His word are nonnegotiable. The Bible warns us about those who themselves practice sinful homosexual and lesbian acts and then also give approval to others who practice them (Romans 1:25–32).

Jesus interacted compassionately with sinners, but He never excused their sin (the Samaritan woman, in John 4:1–18; and the woman caught in adultery, in John 8:1–11). He always said: “Go and sin no more.” We are called to do likewise, through conveying acceptance of the person, but not approval of his or her sin.

We affirm God’s unconditional acceptance (He welcomes us into relationship when we repent and believe Him), but there is no unconditional approval of behavior that is contrary to what God commands. Jesus’ directive to Paul was “to open their eyes, that they may turn from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive remission of sins and an inheritance among them that are sanctified by faith in me” (Acts 26:18).

C.  Consider example

Be holy, blameless and above reproach (Colossians 1:22) — not that we are without sin, but that we must not bring shame on the Body of Christ or disgrace to the name of Jesus. “Whoever misleads one of these little ones who believe in Me, it would be better for him to have a millstone hung about his neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea” (Matthew 18:6). Not many of you should become teachers, knowing that we shall receive the greater judgment (James 3:1). This is serious stuff!

Billy Graham, a hero of Amy’s and of mine, cites having foolishly gone in his less-mature years into an English pub — where he drank merely a nonalcoholic beverage — and then seeing a photo of the visit featured prominently in England’s newspapers to discredit his reputation, impact the crusade, and possibly cause some to stumble.

Graham would never allow himself to be alone in public or private with any woman other than his wife. Indeed, when Hillary Clinton once requested a private meeting, he politely declined, begging her understanding, so as not to risk adversely influencing others.

In the Bible, when King Saul committed suicide, David lamented, but he also took pains to handle the tragedy discreetly, directing that women not report the scandal publicly, to avoid bringing reproach on the name of the Lord (2 Samuel 1:17–20).

We will one day render account to God if we influence others wrongly. One’s music can inspire millions; one’s poor example can mislead multitudes. Youth are especially vulnerable to the LGBTQ propagandists who promise them freedom, while they themselves are slaves to depravity (2 Peter 2:19).

Here’s the deal: As we humbly seek God’s guidance, may the Good Shepherd lead us in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake (Psalm 23:3).

How are you praying for doctrinal clarity and healing among the LGBTQ+? Share your prayers and scriptures below.

Larry Tomczak is a cultural commentator of 46 years, an IFA board member, a bestselling author, and a public-policy adviser with Liberty Counsel. His innovative video/book, BULLSEYE, develops informed influencers in 30 days (see Hear his weekly podcast here. Photo Credit: Getty Images.

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