
‘No, no, no’: Trudeau denies rumors of a federal election in 2023 – LifeSite

OTTAWA (LifeSiteNews) — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has maintained there will not be an election in 2023 despite indications by opposition parties that a spring vote is a strong possibility.  

“No, no, no,” Trudeau said to Quebec TV station TVA Nouvelles on December 20 after being asked about the possibility of a spring election.  

“There is too much work to do, and we have a deal with the NDP (New Democratic Party),” added the prime minister. 

Trudeau insisted that his government’s ongoing agreement to join forces with the NDP as a way to maintain power until 2025 is a way of demonstrating a “progressive government” that wants to “fight against climate change.”

Countering Trudeau’s claim that an election is not forthcoming, the Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) noted in a recent email to members that “Justin Trudeau is telling his MPs to be election ready.” 

“For the last seven years, the Trudeau Liberals have made life harder for people. We will be feeling the effect for years to come. The good news is, we can right the ship, and restore the promise of our great country,” read the CPC email.  

While Trudeau has successfully held onto power for three elections, a recent poll indicates the CPC, under its new leader Pierre Poilievre, has enough support to beat Trudeau and put an end to his seven year run.

While the Trudeau government’s agreement with the NDP under its leader, Jagmeet Singh, includes a promise that the NDP will not vote against any Liberal bills in exchange for Liberal support for NDP-led legislation, a few weeks ago cracks started to form with respect to the Trudeau government’s gun grab legislation, Bill C-21, which indicated to many that the informal agreement is breaking down and a 2023 election could be on the horizon. 

In fact, Singh stated that his party would not support Bill C-21 as written, and just recently a parliamentary committee voted to put the legislation on hold due to massive bipartisan pushback. 

Should the NDP-Liberal deal hold, Canada won’t see another election until 2025.  

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