
Rabbi Curt Landry: 3 Steps Into God’s 2023 Prophetic Word

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Most people in the body of Christ feel that something different is coming in 2023. You may not be completely sure what God is up to, but we have 3 practical steps to help you enter into what God is doing next year.

We sat down for an exclusive Charisma News interview with Rabbi Curt Landry who has felt a stirring from the Lord to share three ways you can start preparing yourself for what God has planned for you in the coming months.

In the interview Landry says emotional, spiritual and financial intelligence are key.

1. Emotional Intelligence: We need to be able to be healed from generational iniquities and things we have adopted and come in agreement with, that have caused us to sabotage ourselves.

2. Spiritual Intelligence: Learn how to use your skills in spiritual warfare to fight the schemes of the enemy.

3. Financial Intelligence: How do you position your finances and hear from the Holy Spirit to have your money in the right place at the right time. Adjust your kingdom mindset to build and sow finance to increase God’s kingdom.

“2023 is going to be the year of the transfer of wealth,” Landry says.

If you aren’t emotionally settled, your spiritual and financial health is often in jeopardy. “Finances will usually accelerate the bad behavior and not cover it,” he says. This is the perfect time to make sure your mind, soul and body are healed and ready for this next season.

Proverbs 23:7 says, “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” Landry says you are filtering God healing word through emotions that often aren’t part of His will for your life. “People are asking how to get their joy back. The light is going on since 2019 and the pandemic, that we aren’t going back to normal, and that’s okay,” he says.

Tune in to the full interview to hear the biblical foundation for his prophetic word and the supernatural symbolism of 2023 and the Hebraic year 5783.

You can also hear more from Rabbi Curt Landry here.

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Shelby Bowen is an assistant editor for Charisma Media.

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