
Vatican Defrocks Pro-Life Priest – Intercessors for America

Why was Frank Pavone defrocked? This is a huge loss for the pro-life movement.

From In a shocking turn of events, the Vatican has dismissed pro-life leader Father Frank Pavone from the Catholic priesthood. The decision will certainly anger pro-life Catholics who respect Pavone and appreciate his decades of service to the pro-life movement via Priests for Life.

Who is praying on the wall?

The decision comes on the heels of Pope Francis facing criticism for putting an abortion advocate on the Pontifical Academy for Life, claiming that giving an abortion support a Catholic Church platform helps “dialog.”

In a December 13 letter to the Catholic bishops in the United States, Papal Nuncio Archbishop Christophe Pierre wrote that the Dicastery for the Clergy issued the decision to defrock Pavone on November 9 — supposedly for “blasphemous communications on social media” and “persistent disobedience of the lawful instructions of his diocesan bishop.”

There is reportedly no ability to appeal the decision.


Father Pavone wrote this wonderful devotional on life that IFA published. Click the image to sign up.

As the Catholic News Agency reported:

“Father Pavone was given ample opportunity to defend himself in the canonical proceedings, and he was also given multiple opportunities to submit himself to the authority of his diocesan bishop,” explains a separate statement attached to Archbishop Pierre’s letter. “It was determined that Father Pavone had no reasonable justification for his actions.” …

The communication from Archbishop Pierre does not specify the actions that led to Pavone’s dismissal or name the bishop he disobeyed. …

Pavone told CNA he was shocked by the news and indicated the Vatican had not informed him. …

One of the most recent events Pavone organized was a day of mourning for the baby killed in a live abortion on NPR.

“Pro-life leaders have named the child Baby Amanda Marie and we are asking every pro-life individual, organization and lawmaker to mark the day with fasting and special prayers, including Masses,” said Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life. …

How are you praying for Pavone? Share this article to encourage others to pray.

(Excerpt from Photo Credit: Canva)

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