
Princess Gloria says the persecutors of Catholic tradition have a ‘worldly agenda’ – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — Guten tag from Germany! Earlier this week I sat down with my good friend Princess Gloria von Thurn und Taxis. We had a marvelous conversation while strolling through the neatest little Christmas market in Regensburg. You can watch that by clicking here. Today, I talk with Princes Gloria about a subject that’s a bit more serious — the situation facing the Church. 

As most of you already know, the German Church is out of control. The so-called “Synodal Path” is enabling dissident clergy to push forward with radical proposals like giving “blessings” to homosexual couples. This is truly insane and a serious threat to the worldwide Church. 

I spoke with Princess Gloria about the traditions of the Church in Germany as well as a wide range of other topics like the priesthood, the persecution of the Latin Mass, and what lay Catholics need to do going forward. 

“Priests on the left, they want a different Church,” Princess Gloria said. “All these political leaders are basically pushing an agenda that is anti-Christian.” The “mainstream church think[s] that if they play by [the political elite’s] rules … they will be allowed to co-exist.” But “history has proven” that sort of thinking to be “wrong.” 

Princess Gloria said she has a special desire to help clergy, and that when she learned about French Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, the founder of the Society of St. Pius X, she realized the priests he was forming were “really good, faithful priests” and that they were in need of help. 

“The way to change the Church and to change the powers of the Church is if we, the faithful, pray more,” she said. “Us laypeople have not taken care of our priests enough… it has to be attractive again to be a priest.” 

Princes Gloria continued by stating that the laity are up against a “new religion” that is spreading all over the world, and that this religion is also impacting the Church itself. 

“Every new government that is sworn in, the first thing they say is, ‘We believe in climate change.’ That is the new religion … it used to be ‘The Holy Trinity’ is everything for us. Today it is climate change.” 

“Who are the great persecutors of tradition?” she continued. “If you dig deeper, you find that this is a very superficial and very worldly agenda behind that… the devil always tries to destroy the Church.” But “the renewal” of the Church will come when “young priests” who love tradition are strongly supported by prayerful laity who rely on their strength from God.

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