
IFA Report: Georgia State Prayer Group – Intercessors for America

I joined Intercessors for America in March of 2022, and the Lord began to lead me in the direction He wanted for me. First, He emphasized the necessity of my involvement in a strong, biblically based local fellowship, and especially with its prayer base. A fellow intercessor from that same fellowship has a prayer group, and we pray with each other’s groups. In fact, I have joined several prayer teams in my state, and some of the members of those teams have also begun attending my prayer times.

Get involved in state level prayer with IFA.

I would say that through IFA I have become better informed about things I wouldn’t normally know as much about as I do now. I have also been able to take action on a lot of legislation. Moreover, classes I’ve taken with the Christians Engaged Academy through IFA have taught me a lot about how government works. A leader in our church prayer group has told me that my sharing about what was happening during the elections helped that group know how to take action. Most churches don’t know what to do.

Though the IFA Georgia team members are located in different parts of the state, we are able to share critical information. As a result, we are developing closer ties with each other, and a dedicated core of intercessors is growing.

2022 Prayer Event Highlights

We attended a mock voting event with one of the candidates that ran for governor. This event was intended to show where Georgia’s elections have been flawed, and to help us work toward establishing election integrity. Here we had opportunity to pray with candidates and elected officials.

*Pray Vote Stand Summit in Atlanta: We joined with other intercessors to pray for our legislators and other leaders and for organizations standing for life and for voter integrity.

*Contending As One for the Destiny of Our Nation (Pray Georgia): Cindy Jacobs made prophetic decrees over Georgia.

*Women’s Aglow: We held prayer groups at our state capital one Saturday per month.

*Georgia Congressional Prayer Caucus: We prayed for issues pertaining to Georgia and Washington, D.C.

*Prayer at The City Gate Church: Here Chuck Pierce made declarations over Georgia.

*The IFA Policy and Prayer Summit: This took place in October, in Washington D.C., where we participated in prayer walks and offered prayers for the nation’s leaders.

We invite more IFA intercessors to join us on our journey with God in this state!

What I See for Georgia

All the prayer events I attended led me to a sense of what the Lord wants for Georgia. Many prophetic words for Georgia came forth at these events. This sums up the prophetic word from The City Gate Church in Georgia:

The “Glory Net” — A vision and strategy from the Lord: … then the Lord will create over the entire area of Mount Zion and over her assemblies a cloud by day, and smoke, and the brightness of a flaming fire by night; for over all the glory will be a canopy (Isaiah 4:5 NASB).

When asked what our state needed for His purposes, Holy Spirit said: “An altar of worship is required.”

The Dream I Had

This ties in with what I saw in a dream about silver chain-link fences looking like a net linked all together, with rubies and sapphires embedded in the midst. We must be united as a body in Christ if the Glory is to come and rest upon us. And it reminds me of some of the precious stones mentioned in portions of Scripture:

“For the mountains may depart, and the hills be removed; but my loving kindness shall not depart from you, neither shall my covenant of peace be removed,” says the LORD who has mercy on you. “You afflicted, tossed with storms, and not comforted, look, I will set your stones in beautiful colors, and lay your foundations with sapphires. I will make your pinnacles of rubies, and your gates of sparkling jewels, and all your walls of precious stones. All your children shall be taught by God; and great shall be the peace of your children” (Isaiah 54:10–13 NHEB).

I see the Lord reassuring His Bride of how precious she is to Him, reminding Her of who she is and of Who He is, and saying that He is taking care of her children as we cast strong silver chain-link fences of protection over Georgia.

Intercessors for America is part of that “Glory Net,” not only in Georgia, but also in all of the U.S. We are praying for all the strategies the Lord has in mind to enable us to carry out His purposes in 2023!

God bless you! — Elizabeth Ojutiku

What are some things you see for your own state, and how are you praying? Share below.

Elizabeth Ojutiku is IFA’s state prayer leader for Georgia. Photo Credit: Canva.

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