
Prominent Rabbis Look to Jesus – Intercessors for America

This is hopeful and encouraging.

From Israel Today. More than 25 prominent rabbis from Israel and abroad issued a statement calling for a renewed look at Jesus, Christians and the New Testament faith.

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“Jesus brought a double goodness to the world,” declared the group of well-known rabbis.  “On the one hand he strengthened the Torah of Moses majestically…  and not one of our Sages spoke out more emphatically concerning the immutability of the Torah.” At the same time “he removed idols from the nations.” 

Saying that Jesus, even more than any other Jewish Sage, honored, strengthened and protected the “immutability of the Torah” is an extraordinary acknowledgement. These leading rabbis are turning the tides of history by removing one of the main stumbling blocks in the path of a major Jewish reclamation of Jesus! …

Undoing the Mischaracterization of Jesus

What we are now witnessing is the undoing of 2,000 years of Jewish rejection and animosity towards Jesus, a miracle by any estimation. For the out-and-out refusal by Jews to accept Jesus is slowly, but surely, coming to an end, as growing numbers of prestigious Orthodox rabbis welcome Jesus back. …

Spiritual Breakthrough

In their statement, the rabbis want to find a way to acknowledge the differences between Christian and Jewish beliefs, without taking, or giving, offense. 

“As did Maimonides and Yehudah Halevi, we acknowledge that Christianity is neither an accident nor an error, but the willed divine outcome and gift to the nations. In separating Judaism and Christianity, G-d willed a separation between partners with significant theological differences, not a separation between enemies,” the statement concludes.

Where Does Yeshua Fit in Judaism?

These so-called “significant theological differences” between Christianity and Judaism are really about Yeshua (Jesus). He is the stumbling block. 

Yeshua may be Messiah, Son of the Living God for the Gentiles, but my Jewish people are still not quite sure just who he is for them. 

So while these rabbis are making major and unprecedented strides in bringing my people closer to the Messiah Yeshua, they are still far from the truth. For if Jesus is the Messiah for the Gentiles, how much more must he be for the Jews? …

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(Excerpt from Israel Today. Photo Credit: Canva)

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