
Expert Panel Releases Recommendations for Preparing for Future Pandemics

(Photo : Pexels/zydeaosika)

Pandemics are not a new occurrence, and we have seen similar situations in the past. It is essential to approach pandemics with wisdom and understanding rather than excessive emotion or hyperbole.

It is also essential to recognize that different people may react differently to the situation, and it is critical to navigating these differences with calmness and wisdom. Arrogance, thinking that we have all the answers, and thinking that the problem is entirely novel do not reflect understanding. Instead, it is essential to approach the situation with a balanced and measured response.

Pandemics are Not New; It’s Been Here for a Long Time

An article by Jeremy Dover, a writer in Christianity Today, says that in the book The Psychology of Pandemics, written before the Covid-19 pandemic, Taylor discusses humanity’s responses to contagious diseases throughout history. The book predicts that society will respond to pandemics similarly as we have in the past.

The purpose of reviewing this information is to provide perspective on the intense emotions and polarization during the Covid-19 pandemic. We need greater wisdom in dealing with global turmoil, which points to the need for a constant and stable source of hope, such as a deity. Western societies, in particular, initially reacted to the Covid-19 pandemic with disbelief, as if pandemics were something new and unexpected.

However, the history of the disease shows that severe epidemics occur regularly, and it is essential to be prepared for them.

Essential measures Must Always be Put to Heart and Mind with Deeper Understanding

During the Covid-19 pandemic, many people opposed the “unprecedented” government controls that were put in place to address the spread of the virus. However, these measures are not unprecedented. According to Dover, numerous examples have been presented in the history of government controls being implemented in response to outbreaks of contagious diseases.

For example, home isolation was mandated during the first smallpox outbreaks in the 1690s, and sailors were forced to quarantine outside ports during cholera outbreaks in the 1790s. The 2003 SARS epidemic also resulted in lockdown measures being implemented, and African nations implemented isolation measures during the 2014 Ebola crisis. This is made concrete by the information given in NCBI‘s article.

Dover also mentioned that governments of all political persuasions had used control measures to reduce the impact of the disease. It is not uncommon for people to see these measures as oppressive or heavy-handed. This tension between the desire to control the spread of illness and the desire for personal freedom has recurred throughout human history.

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The Strong Impact of Vaccination

During the Covid-19 pandemic, and as of Today, as cited by CDC, the idea of vaccine passports, which would require people to show proof of vaccination to travel or access certain services, horrified some people. However, vaccine passports are not a new concept. Using “bills of health” to allow merchants and sailors to travel dates back to the 1400s.

Jeremy said that these documents were issued to ensure that people traveling from one place to another did not spread disease. In some cases, armed troops were used to enforce these documents’ requirements. In more recent times, proof of vaccination for yellow fever was required for Australians traveling in Asia in the 1960s, and Australian troops were needed to be vaccinated for service in the Vietnam War.

The use of quarantine and other public health measures to control the spread of the disease has always been controversial and has raised political, economic, social, and ethical issues. These measures can be perceived as intrusive and have frequently violated individual rights in the name of the public good. They have also resulted in the stigmatization and discrimination of marginalized groups.

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