
Prayers Answered! Kirk Cameron Shares Faith-Based Stories to Thousands in Public Libraries

(Brave Book Twitter Page)

Read time: 2 minutes 39 seconds

For many Americans, the degradation of morality and conscious in society has been demoralizing to say the least. But when Christians stand up for the Lord, and their rights, victory can be snatched from the jaws of defeat.

Such is the case for Kirk Cameron and his faith-based story hour.

As Charisma News previously reported, Cameron had been denied reading Christian children’s books by over 50 public libraries. These same libraries embraced and encouraged the “Drag Queen Story Hours” that have been sexualizing children for years.

While addressing this act of religious discrimination publicly, Cameron said he would pursue whatever legal means were available to him and his publishing team. There were also intercessors across the nation lifting up Cameron and his team before the Lord in prayer, and to bring victory over the principalities trying to stop the spread of faith-based stories to children.

And victory was achieved, as Cameron led his first children’s story hour at the Indianapolis Public Library. It wasn’t just a victory; it was a spiritual tsunami that washed over the forces of darkness that are trying to silence godly morals from taking root in the hearts of children in America.

Reading from the children’s book he wrote, “As You Grow,” Cameron headlined the largest even held at the library in its 137 years of operation.

It is estimated that around 2,500 parents and children were in attendance for the story-hour, a gathering that would have never taken place if Cameron simply accepted the libraries original denial of his reading.

Talking to the Todd Starnes Show, Cameron discussed how he wants to help parents use the law to fight back against discrimination.

“If libraries turn them down the way that they’ve turned me down, I’m showing them how to fight back by using the tools of law like I have,” Cameron said. “In fact, I posted two public letters to those libraries saying, I hope this is just a misunderstanding. Here’s a free copy of my book for you to review. These are values that I think every community could use. And if you continue to exclude certain viewpoints because you don’t like them in the public library, well, then I’m prepared to assert my constitutional rights in court. And I’m hoping that I’ll be making a trip to these libraries soon to read my book.”

The event was such a smashing success, the library had to announce that not all patrons would be able to listen to the reading due to capacity being reached for the building.

While there is still much work to be done by Christians in America, this event shows the spiritual thirst for God that is in the U.S.

People are flocking by the thousands to find an alternative to the godless lessons being taught in libraries and public schools throughout the nation. Citizens are looking for an answer to the spiritual drought afflicting this nation, and many are coming to the realization that their spiritual thirst can only be quenched by Jesus Christ.

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James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma Media.

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