The Fight for Freedom in Iran – Intercessors for America

Analysis. The totalitarian regime in Iran may be facing its most critical internal threat ever. Despite the government’s attempt to …

Born to Die

Lord’s Day after Lord’s Day, like the drumbeat of an advancing army, we proclaim the Lord’s Death. The death of …

A Rose Is a Rose

Written by R.C. Sproul | Saturday, December 17, 2022 Islam has no cross and no resurrection, articles of the faith …

Ten Looks at Jesus, Part 2

In his extravagant generosity, grace, and mercy, he will lavish his people not only with entrance to a new heavens …

Listen to Your Life

God has purposefully interwoven silence and salvation in his tapestry of redemption. Is it a surprise that the Enemy would …

Russian Pastor, Maxim Fokin, Exiled in Turkey

After receiving this telephone call, Maxim and his family made the very difficult decision to remain as exiles in Turkey …

A Raggedy Christmas

The Christmas rags remind us that God has shown His greatest love in the most ignoble birth. In that, He …