Celebrities for Jesus

I’ll never forget the day evangelist Ravi Zacharias stopped by my office at a Christian publishing house many years ago. …

MKBHD YouTube Channel

When Marques Keith Brownlee – High Definition (MKBHD) posted his first YouTube video in 2009, he was 14 years old. …

4 Truths for the Relationally Wounded This Christmas

Sometimes the celebrations that should feel the most joyous bring the most pain, in part because of the joy and …

8 Prayers to Pray Throughout the Day

1. A prayer of gratitude to start your day. When we practice gratitude, it improves our attitude. It’s easy to …

Western Michigan Church Helps Moms in Need with Baby Pantry

Caledonia (Mich.) Christian Reformed Church has opened a baby pantry to help mothers facing financial hardships.  Church member and real …