The Final Judgment

Written by Gregory K. Beale | Thursday, December 15, 2022 Christ’s justifying penal substitutionary death is the price paid “once …

A Progress Report on “Christian Nationalism”

Ultimately, evangelism is our only hope.  A Christian nation must come from the bottom up (the hearts of a converted …

The Light of the Knowledge of the Glory of God

What is your own perception of God?  Do you find Him glorious through and in the Lord Jesus?  And isn’t …

Does Everyone Rest in Peace?

An unbeliever’s suffering doesn’t end with their physical death. A worse fate awaits them in the afterlife. What a tragedy! …

Listen to Your Elders, Not the Experts

It is not age-old wisdom, but credentialed expertise that engenders our trust nowadays. We take our cue not from grandpa …

The King Came in Rags

Our righteous, suffering King came to be crushed and made a grief offering in order to count sinful people like …

Against “Religious Liberty”

Conservative Christians, however, got it in their heads for decades that politics was about property rights and school vouchers; and …

How Can I Simplify Christmas to Focus on Jesus?

Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas! is an iconic Christmas TV special. I especially enjoy the scene when the …