How Not to Be a Grumbling Israelite

If we simply want a guilt-free moment to complain, then we are guilty of the sin of grumbling and also …

Putting the Mess in Christmess

Gerry Bowler observed in his book Christmas in the Crosshairs, that while the birth of Jesus has always been important to …

Spurgeon’s Greatest Evangelist

She was a woman in constant demand. Pastors from the US praised her for her importance to Spurgeon’s church. Women …

The Darkness Does Not Win

If God can summon light into existence when there was only darkness, surely He can send His light into the …

“Psalms,” by James M. Hamilton, Jr.

Written by S.D. Ellison | Wednesday, December 21, 2022 Hamilton has produced a landmark commentary on the Psalms. It is …

How Is Jesus “‘Everlasting Father”?

Isaiah’s basic meaning is that the Messiah will be fatherly in his love and concern for the people of God. He will …

Is Christian Hope Just Wishful Thinking?

“Hope” is a word we use often. We say things like, “I hope it doesn’t snow” or “I hope my …

What Did Mary Know? Faith to Know the Triune God

Mary models the right posture towards God with her willingness to trust him because he is good and his word …

A Reply to Matthew Adams

Along with Adams, I agree we should have a high view of worship. I am certain that I would enjoy …