
Psalm 133: Behold our Blessed Brotherhood

Every Christian Sabbath, dont miss it.  Admire, adore, and appreciate one another and our eternal union in Christ.  And then sing Psalm 122 while you to come to church glad to worship God together united in Christ and unified with the mind of Christ, praying for the peace, happiness, and prosperity of Jerusalem. 

Psalm 133:1 extols, Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!  It teaches us to appreciate how Gods good blessings are especially experienced in the worshipful union and communion of His saints.

This pleasantness is something Christians enjoy in local congregations as well as in the broader fellowship of Presbytery, General Assembly, or Synod gatherings.

See that God bestows His blessings on and through His Church united in worship.

In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul describes how the Church is Christs body united together, and how it is as one that the members survive and thrive.  They walk with God there.

Psalm 133 is labeled in its title as a song of ascents, part of a themed “mini-series” within Psalms 120-134 believed to be sung by Israelites as they ascended the road to Jerusalem where the Temple was to unite in offering sacrifices and worship.  Verse 1 teaches that such is a great blessing, and verse 3 notes that God commands his blessing there forever.  As well, verse 2 recognizes it  “ran down” from God, or in verse 3, it descended.”

Blessings flow down from God and gather where He determines.  Thus, assembling together for Christian worship each Lord’s Day and at His table is special fellowship (1 Corinthians 10:16).  And God provides two illustrations of this blessed encounter as His gathered, communing people.

First, see that God sends blessings within His Church through Christs priestly propitiation.

Oil brings vigor and vitality back to our skin, with a shine and glow.  It was used to anoint kings, prophets, and priests from and for the Church.

In verse 2, the oil dripping down Aarons beard represents his anointing as high priest ministering in the Tabernacle (and Temple), where God brought atonement of sins, forgiveness, restoration of fellowship with God, and union with His saints.

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