
Warning from Canada on Universal Health Care – Intercessors for America

Universal health care in Canada paved the way for a governmental medically assisted suicide that now includes those with mental illness. Other nations need to recognize this progression and understand why it happened. We must pray for a culture of life in our nation.

From The Federalist. Today, Canadians are experiencing a three-word addition to what Ronald Reagan called the nine most terrifying words in the English language: “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help you kill yourself.”

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Soon after the announcement that Canada would expand its medically assisted suicide program to include those with mental illness, the popular Canadian department store chain Simons issued a new advertisement celebrating the policy. The video features a woman saying, “Last breaths are sacred; you just have to be brave enough to see it,” over a montage of her being wheeled to places of natural wonder. The department store’s logo is featured prominently at the end of the commercial. …

In 1984, the Canadian left slapped together a single-payer health care scheme by which citizens would pay into a provincially administered, federally and provincially funded health-care system that provides access to most health services at no extra cost. …

But maintaining a low-cost, easy-access, government-run health-care program in a large, democratic country with a growing dependent-to-workforce ratio just isn’t working out for Canada. Low pay for medical professionals, who still have to pay for college and medical school, has created an acute shortage of doctors. …

Because raising taxes to pay for more doctors is democratically unpopular and obliterates the promised cost savings from government-run health care, growing health-care expenses are deducted from the general budget. …

In this grim situation, reconciling leftist goals of providing no-extra-cost care for all with fiscal reality requires a shocking technocratic solution: eliminating the excess population to relieve them of the suffering inflicted by progressive utopianists.

This isn’t an over-exaggeration. According to the National Post, the woman in the advertisement, the now-deceased 37-year-old Jennyfer Hatch, “only opted for assisted suicide after her years-long attempts to secure proper health care failed.” For ten years, Jennyfer was bounced from specialist to specialist, and when she could even see one none had a background in Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, the genetic but manageable illness from which she suffered. …

Medically assisted suicide may soon become more prevalent in the United States as prominent members of the Democratic Party are moving ahead with promoting a universal health care morass of their own. …

Indeed, medically assisted suicide is a Democrat-supported issue and has been adopted in 10 Democrat states and is being pushed for in more. Should Democrats gain enough votes to pass universal health care in Congress, they’ll have enough votes to approve assisted suicide. …

What do you think of universal health care and medically assisted suicide? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from The Federalist. Photo Credit: Canva)

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