
Canadian province looking to roll out digital ID pilot program after success with COVID vax pass – LifeSite

ST. JOHN’S, Newfoundland and Labrador (LifeSiteNews) — The Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador is looking to launch a digital identification pilot project, which a provincial minister admitted will be easier to implement thanks to the experience gained from its once-mandatory COVID-19 vaccine passport.

As reported by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), Digital Government Minister Sarah Stoodley for the province of Newfoundland and Labrador announced earlier this week that its 2023 digital ID pilot project will be a “huge opportunity to protect the privacy of Canadians.”  

According to Stoodley, digital IDs will help “reduce fraud,” noting that her province will be the “leaders in this space in Canada.” 

Stoodley also mentioned that a provincial digital ID system will be easier to implement thanks to the province’s recent experience with its once-mandatory COVID vaccine passport, called the NLVaxPass.

Those who did not have the NLVaxPass, which in essence were those who chose not to get the COVID jabs, were barred from participating in many aspects of social life. 

Stoodley informed citizens that the NLVaxPass is one way for people to verify “their identity” on the forthcoming digital ID application, noting that people previously used the vaccine passport to go into “restaurants and bars and shopping malls.” 

“So that’s something that we’ve seen now everyone is comfortable with,” she added. 

Stoodley noted that her province has already lined up meetings with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s federal government to discuss their digital ID pilot project, but said funding for the project remains up in the air.

Stoodely also told the CBC the digital IDs would be optional. 

Despite Stoodley’s enthusiasm, many have warned that digital IDs pose an extreme risk to personal privacy.

Even Newfoundland’s own Information and Privacy Commissioner Michael Harvey admitted that digital IDs do have risks, should one’s information be “misused.” 

“It could cause a great deal of harm,” he noted. 

Last September, privacy commissioners from all levels of government said in a joint resolution that digital IDs must ensure that “rights to privacy and transparency are fully respected,” but many critics feel such plans should be altogether scrapped. 

Last year, through an Inquiry of Ministry, Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) MP Leslyn Lewis demanded information from the Trudeau government and his Transportation Minister, Omar Alghabra, over its participation in the World Economic Forum’s “Known Traveler Digital Identity (KTDI)” pilot program. 

Through this action, it was reported that the Trudeau government has a $105.3 million dollar contract with the WEF to create a digital ID system for travel. 

The association of digital IDs with the WEF has many Canadians worried their country is being undemocratically influenced by foreign global actors.

As reported by LifeSiteNews, the WEF is the organization behind the “Great Reset” agenda, a radical socialist plan designed by global elites that “seeks to ‘push the reset button’ on the global economy” and establish a new world order that seems to closely emulate many aspects of the Chinese Social Credit System.

Further raising concern among citizens, Newfoundland and the federal government are not alone in pushing digital IDs in Canada.

In fact, the provinces of Ontario, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, and New Brunswick, have all  already forged ahead with pushing a digital ID on the public, and are all listed on the Digital ID and Authentication Council of Canada (DIACC) as members. 

However, the province of Saskatchewan did at least temporarily pause implementing its system last year public outcry, with some provincial politicians even questioning who was really behind the initiative. 

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