
The Brew: Biden Stashed Classified Docs at Office Partially Funded by Red China – The Stream

What a crazy Wednesday morning!

If you are just waking up, the FBI conducted a massive raid last night on an office maintained by Joe Biden in Washington, D.C., along with pre-dawn raids at his homes in Delaware, in search of classified documents improperly removed from the White House when his term as vice president ended. Sources confirm that the agents also went through the closets of First Lady Jill Biden, along with the rooms of Biden’s children Hunter and Ashley. 

Wait. You haven’t heard about it yet? That’s because it did not happen. It did not happen because Joe Biden’s name is not Donald Trump … and Joe Biden is a Democrat sitting atop a politically corrupted Department of Justice. 

One part of the story is true: Highly classified documents were discovered at a private office Biden had in D.C. via the Penn Biden Center. (More on the center in a bit.)

What we’re being told is that Biden’s lawyers found the dozen or so classified documents at the private, unsecure office while packing it up in early November. Not that Biden uses it. Heck, he barely uses the Oval Office. His peeps contacted the National Archives. Nothing more to see. Move on. The stash is absolutely positively nothing at all like the documents Trump had in his possession that warranted the overwhelming prime time assault on Mar-a-Lago.

Oh, but there’s plenty more.

UPDATE: And let’s start by adding this breaking news Wednesday morning from Paul Sperry of Real Clear Investigations:

The Documents

We really need to know only two things about the documents:

First, they dealt with Ukraine, Iran and the U.K.

AGAIN with the Ukraine. Why would Biden want to stash at his private office documents from Ukraine? Well, he was Obama’s point man for Ukraine when Obama-Biden helped overthrow the legitimately elected government. Then there are those millions paid by Ukraine to the Biden Family by Burisma … the same Burisma under investigation by a Ukraine prosecutor, until Biden threatened to withhold a billion dollars in aid if the prosecutor wasn’t immediately fired. Then there were the White House meetings with Ukraine officials in 2016 who were pleased as punch to help Biden-Obama find dirt on Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort.

As for Iran, there were those cargo planes filled with cash. Obama torpedoing an investigation into Iran-backed terrorist organization Hezbollah’s drug running into the United States. Side deals with Iran in the nuke deal kept from the American people.

And Britain? A former British intelligence agent, Michael Steele, was responsible for creating the Steele Dossier used to drive the Trump-Russia Collusion Black Op. There have also been other stories of so-called Five Eyes countries like England helping the intelligence operation along. 

It’s no wonder Biden wanted to keep documents from those countries close. And away from the eyes of the Trump Administration.

And the notion that he had no idea what was in the boxes doesn’t hunt. Biden left the White House in January 2017. The office wasn’t set up until February of 2018. That box had to be transported out of the White House and then transported again to the office.

Keep this in mind when you hear Biden deny knowing anything about the document: He spent the entire 2020 campaign denying he had any knowledge of any of Hunter’s business dealings. 

Second, the documents stem from his time as VP. Unlike a president — unlike President Trump — a vice president does not have declassification authority. Joe Biden had zero business hauling any classified documents away from the White House. Period. 

So Trump’s question in the wake of the news is legit. “When is the FBI going to raid the many homes of Joe Biden, perhaps even the White House?” After all, how do we know he doesn’t have more classified documents from the Obama years hidden away at his many other digs? 

One other question: They made the discovery on Nov. 2. Why we only hearing about it now? Could it be because we were a week out from a mid-term election … a mid-term election where Democrats strained to make Donald Trump the issue? Plus, days later, Merrick Garland announced he’d appointed a special prosecutor to investigate Trump over his documents.

Wouldn’t look real good if the American people knew that a bunch of classified documents Biden should not have had were found in a private office just days earlier. 

That would have spelled out in letters you could see from space: THIS IS ALL POLITICAL.

The Location

The private office for Biden belonged to the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement, a center founded after Biden’s VP term ended. Unlike Jimmy Carter’s workhorse Carter Center, the Penn Biden Center seems to exist for little reason beyond collecting tens of millions of dollars in anonymous Chinese donations. (Hunter hinted as much in emails found on his laptop.) Those Communist Chinese are just such givers to the Bidens, aren’t they? It’s estimated that the University of Pennsylvania pocketed $54 million. Their giving quadrupled after the Penn Biden Center was announced. A Center that paid Biden a cool million bucks a year.

So unlike Mar-a-Lago, which is secured by the Secret Service (in fact, the Secret Service had been dealing with the National Archives over the presidential documents there), these classified documents were found in a private, non-secured office partially funded (at least) by the Communist Chinese.

China is ruled by the same CCP with which Joe, Hunter and Biden, Inc., were engaging in business deals while Joe was VP. Question: Does the name tag on the office with the classified documents say “The Big Guy”? 

The Reaction

Joe Biden was asked several times about the classified documents Monday and Tuesday. He ignored the question, before finally answering during a press conference in Mexico City.

People know I take classified documents and classified information seriously. … I was briefed about this discovery and surprised to learn that there were any government records that were taken there to that office. But I don’t know what’s in the documents. My lawyers have not suggested I ask what documents they were.

Merrick Garland announced that he has appointed the U.S. Attorney for Chicago to look into the highly classified documents. You are talking about an investigation into the actions of the current president. Garland’s boss. Why no special prosecutor for Biden? 

Rep. James Comer, the new Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, wondered where the FBI raids were. “This is further concern that there’s a two-tier justice system within the DOJ with how they treat Republicans vs. Democrats … certainly how they treat the former president vs. the current president.”

(Oh, so that’s why no special prosecutor.) 

Still, Comer hopes to see equal treatment under the law.

Under the Biden Administration, the Department of Justice and National Archives have made compliance with the Presidential Records Act a top priority. We expect the same treatment for President Biden, who has apparently inappropriately maintained classified documents in an insecure setting for several years.

He’d have better luck expecting Jerry Nadler to win this season of Dancing With the Stars.

Speaker Kevin McCarthy says the low-key actions in response to the Biden doc scandal merely demonstrates how the Democrats “overplayed their hand” with the Mar-a-Lago raid. 

Donald Trump, Jr. offered advice: 

Don, Jr., is right. With the Biden Syndicate, you’ve always got to follow the money.

Along The Stream

A huge exclusive from The Stream. John Zmirak has interviewed Nicholas Ochs. This week Nicholas will begin serving a four-year sentence for his role in January 6. What’d he do? Attack an officer? Smash windows? Trash the House chamber? Make the stink eye at AOC? No. He was filming the protest. Yeah. Four years in the Big House. WATCH that interview here.

Just to give you an idea. During the George Floyd protests, a lawyer named Uroog Raman firebombed the NYPD. Tossed a firebomb into a cop car trying to incinerate the officers. Trying to burn them alive. Trying to kill them. She was given 15 months.

Also, powerful new entry from Mark Judge. He was able to speak yesterday to 18-year-old detransitioner-turned-activist Chloe Cole after she spoke at the Heritage Foundation. Check out “The Bravery and Brilliance of Detransitioner Chloe Cole.”

Al Perrotta is the Managing Editor of The Stream, chief barista for The Brew and co-author, with John Zmirak, of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration. You can follow him at @StreamingAl at GETTRGabParler, and now at TRUTH Social.

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