
Wealthy Businessmen Are ‘Looking for Unvaccinated Pilots’: U.S. Freedom Flyers President – American Faith

Wealthy businessmen have reached out to the U.S. Freedom Flyers organization, an anti-COVID vaccine mandate group, in search of healthy unvaccinated pilots to fly their private jets.

On Sunday, Freedom Flyers president Joshua Yoder confirmed on Twitter that “wealthy businessmen have reached out to me for that purpose.”

Yoder was responding to false claims that World Economic Forum (WEF) officials—who are currently meeting in Davos, Switzerland for the organization’s annual summit—had requested unvaccinated pilots.

“Click bait journalism is a scourge,” Yoder tweeted. “I never said that the WEF/Davos has reached out looking for unvaccinated pilots.”

“What I did say was that wealthy businessmen have reached out to me for that purpose. Unfollow anyone spreading this garbage,” Yoder clarified.

The following day, Freedom Fliers emphasized they “have never” and “never will have contact with the World Economic Forum.”

The group also reiterated that they had been “contacted by business owners that are worried about vaccine injuries among pilots and wanted to hire unvaccinated pilots,” information Freedom Flyers had revealed months ago.

American Faith reached out to Yoder on Tuesday, asking whether wealthy business people were still requesting access to unvaccinated pilots from his organization.

“Yes. We are,” Yoder confirmed to an American Faith reporter.

The demand for unvaccinated pilots was also echoed by Alan Dana, a former pilot for Jetstar, a Singapore-based airline, who spoke on “Maria Zeee Uncensored” last week, according to The Gateway Pundit.

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