
Answered Prayer! Corruption Exposed – Intercessors for America

Hunter Biden’s exorbitant rent payments may have been something more sinister. Let’s pray for the truth in this matter.

From TrendingPolitics. Earlier this week, we reported about how Hunter Biden made extremely high rent payments to his parents at their Wilmington, Delaware home. …

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The monthly rent for Hunter Biden, which was $49,910, aligns with the rental deposit at the House of Sweden connected to the Biden family’s business venture with CEFC China Energy Co. …

Breitbart reports:

In an email on October 13, 2017, Cecilia Browning, the general manager of House of Sweden, an office complex in Washington, DC, emailed Hunter about a lease that Hunter and his Chinese business partners were trying to terminate, according to emails unearthed from Hunter’s “Laptop from Hell.”

Browning notes the amount of the deposit was $49,910 for the office space and that it would be returned to Hunter upon signing a lease termination document.

“If you are willing to terminate the lease of #507 – the owners are willing to let you out of the lease as of December 31, 2017,” Browning said in an email to Hunter. “Please note that there is a security deposit paid by you of $49,910 which will be returned within 15 days after the termination of the lease (after inspection of normal wear and tear).”

According to whistleblower Tony Bobulinski, Hunter had requested to end the lease after his agreement with CEFC China Energy collapsed. Previously, the Biden family had made a deal with CEFC in which President Joe Biden (referred to as “Big Guy”) would receive a ten percent ownership in the joint venture. …

The $49,910 rent payment is the same exact amount of money Hunter allegedly paid to his parents through rent.

According to a “Background Screening Request” form that was filled out by Hunter Biden in 2018, the president’s son claimed he owned the Delaware residence where the classified documents were found. …

On the “Monthly Rent” portion of the form, Hunter Biden claimed he paid $49,910 in rent each month. …

Was this Hunter Biden’s way of funneling the money he earned with his father’s political connections back to his father? …

The exposing of this corruption is an answer to prayers. Share your prayers and scriptures below.

(Excerpt from TrendingPolitics. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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