
Prayer-Walking Miracles – Intercessors for America

An intercessor submitted this wonderful article detailing specific miraculous answers to prayer from prayer walks. We hope you are inspired.

Our family lived in a very liberal, New Agey university town in Arcata, Calif. My husband, Clay, was pastor of a local church near the campus for 15 years. Christianity was not a favored religion there, but we were able to make a difference. We were very active in sharing our faith and in prayer ministry. We have since moved and are away from such a center of spiritual clashes.

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I could easily write a book, but I know there are others out there. I do wonder why I hear so little about prayer-walking anymore. Was it just a fad? That makes no sense. Perhaps the interest has passed but should not have. Perhaps it needs reviving.

Many of our own prayer-walking testimonies are dated, but they are no less true, relevant, and powerful. We need to get back to this ministry, just like everyone else. This is a desperate hour, and the hedge of God’s protection is coming down in America. The big question: Is the Church prepped for the task of getting that hedge back up?

New Age Fair Goes Bust

Our city was to have its first annual New Age Fair. Big New Agers from Oregon were coming down to help. A few days before that weekend, we got access to the Eagles Club banquet hall where the fair was to be held. A team of us prayed throughout the building. I remember standing at the threshold and praying that people would look in, turn around, and walk away.

The day of the event, a couple of us went to the site to do more praying. We hung around and prayed silently. I watched as a few people trickled into the building, but many others looked in, turned around, and left. After a while, some “wizard” character came out and confronted me. He wore a long, sparkly gown and a tall, pointed hat, and he held a walking stick with a huge crystal at its top. He told me that we were not permitted to be there. I told him that we could. He began to wave his scepter around in circles in front of my face. I prayed boldly that God would prevail. He left and went inside.

The “annual” New Age fair was pretty much a bust. Under our watch, they never had another, despite its being a New Age town.

As an aside, God eventually answered our prayers, and that same Eagles Club hall permitted our church to hold a Christian coffeehouse there. As thanks for this permission, my husband invited the Eagles Club members to attend a complimentary dinner at our church. Twenty-five core members came — and fifteen of them accepted Christ.

Pagan Center a ‘No Go’

A church member who was a park ranger invited us to the state park. A new Native American cultural center was to open soon on the site, and he was concerned about the pagan rituals that were planned. He had raised his family here and didn’t want this lovely land to be spiritually corrupted. A team of us went to the site and prayed throughout the place. We went into the sweat lodges and other structures and prayed thoroughly, inviting the Holy Spirit to come. I asked what the teepee off in the distance was, and I was told that a medicine woman had been inside all week long, doing her own incantations in preparation for the dedication. We kept our distance, but quietly circled her area, praying as we went. Several weeks later, I asked the ranger what had happened since. “Oh, it never opened,” he replied. “The medicine woman didn’t like the vibes, so they abandoned it.” I cannot speak about the ensuing years, but during our years there, that pagan activity was never resurrected.

Prayer Walk on the Reservation

Our church, led by my husband, was going to have a breakthrough Victory in Christ Seminar in Hoopa, Calif., home of the Hoopa Native American tribe. A prayer team drove out the week before to pray over the grounds in preparation. We went to the seat of government and prayed around the grounds. Then we went to various small churches, laid hands on their doors, and prayed. Afterward, we enjoyed a picnic in the park. One of our team glanced up to the surrounding hills and said something like, “I feel that flaming chariots of angels are encircling us up on those hills as they did with Elisha.” It was a very cool moment. On the way out of town, we laid hands on a church door and prayed. The pastor came out of the parsonage and asked what we were doing. We told him we were praying for him and his church. He was grateful. Suddenly, way atop a hill there came three lightning strikes. I asked the pastor if this was common. He said he had never seen anything like it. (After all, it was a sunny day!) One of our members wore a T-shirt with a Native American theme: Chief Cornerstone, the Risen Warrior, Tribe of Judah was inscribed on the front, along with a Bible verse. On the back was printed the image of three lightning bolts and a reference to Psalm 77, which speaks of God sending out His lightning bolts. She gave me that T-shirt, which I still possess.

Spontaneous Combustion Downtown

On the town square there was a popular herb shop. We had tolerated it, but suddenly their storefront and window display had literal idols of pagan gods. This lasted awhile, and the day came when a few of us went inside and discretely walked around silently praying and carefully anointing the idols, walls, and shelves with oil. Sometime later, I walked by and saw the idols gone. I went inside and saw that a portion of the store had been cleared out completely. And I did not see the idols there either. I asked what had happened and was informed that they had some kind of odd spontaneous-combustion fire and were changing some things.

A Home Cleansed

One day a woman called Clay at the office and asked if he could come to her house to pray. We didn’t know her, and Clay asked me to accompany him. She explained that she intended to divorce her husband but that she wanted him to be blessed. Well, that was strange indeed. Nevertheless, we walked with her throughout the house, praying and anointing it with oil. Demonic activity especially was perceived and rebuked in the bedroom. A few days later, a man called Clay and said he needed to talk. Clay didn’t know him. It turned out he was that woman’s husband, and days earlier we had prayed through his house. His wife, however, had never told him about our visit. He just felt a need for God and randomly called a pastor! Clay got to pray with him, and they began to work on their marriage.

A Church Delivered

We were at a conference in Reno, Nevada, and a pastor asked if we would come by her church and do a prayer walk, because the church was horribly oppressed. We prayed through, especially around the pulpit area. As it turned out, there was pornography hidden. Once that was found and removed, things got much better.

God’s Exclamation Point!

Our youth group’s name was 7th Revolution. This was based on the story of Joshua leading Israel’s army to march around Jericho for seven days. On the final day, Israel made the circuit seven times. The last time around, the priests blew their trumpets, the people shouted, and the city’s walls miraculously collapsed.

One time, Clay decided to lead a Jericho march at our town square to claim the city for the Lord. About 50 of us showed up to march around it seven times. It was rainy, and we were the only ones out there. Most people had escaped into the bars and restaurants surrounding the square. As we did our march, we sang boldly. We got to the last time around and sang the song “Our God Is an Awesome God.” Many don’t know the verses, but Clay knew them well and was leading us loudly: “There’s thunder in His footsteps and lightning in His fists, our God is an awesome God!” Suddenly, as we took the last few steps of our Jericho march and sang the final “our God is an awesome God,” an enormously bright and loud lightning bolt crashed right over our heads! It was so loud that people came running out of the bars and restaurants to see what had happened. They must have wondered, “Why are those crazy people out there walking and singing?”

In our many years of living in that area, we have experienced lots of rain, but rarely any lightning. Yet, at that very instant, what had God done? He had put an exclamation point on the final words of our song, declaring: “You got that right! Yes, I AM an awesome God!” An unforgettable experience. Praise You, Jesus!

Does this article encourage you to do prayer walks of your own? Share below!

Cheryl Ford and her husband, Clayton, reside in San Diego. Cheryl is the author of six books, including her award-winning modern translation of The Pilgrim’s Progress for Tyndale Publishers. They have two grown children, both of whom are in ministry, and five grandchildren. Dr. Clayton Ford has been a pastor, renewal leader, and conference speaker for about 40 years. He is national ambassador-at-large for Holy Spirit Renewal Ministries ( and teaches courses for the Renewal School of Ministry ( He is the author of three books, including Called to High Adventure: A Fresh Look at the Holy Spirit and the Spirit-Filled Life. The Fords have been active in intercessory prayer their entire life in ministry together. They participate in three intercession groups and believe that God is calling His people to pray with great urgency for spiritual awakening in our nation and the world. Photo Credit: Canva.

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