
Prostitution Surges in Davos Amid World Economic Forum Summit

As the elite gather in Davos, Switzerland for the annual World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting to address the world’s problems, the Swiss town also sees a surge in prostitution, according to The Daily Mail.

The WEF is a multinational group of political leaders and corporations carrying out the worldwide “Great Reset” agenda after which world populations “will own nothing. And you’ll be happy” and the United States “won’t be the world’s leading superpower,” according to the Forum.

Despite being legal in Switzerland, sex workers often blend in with the high-powered attendees by dressing in business attire.

One escort, Liana, revealed that she regularly sees the same American client who visits Switzerland multiple times a year and is among the 2,700 conference attendees.

Liana charges around €700 ($760) for an hour and €2,300 ($2,500) for the whole night, plus travel expenses.

The manager of one escort service in Aargau, located 100 miles away from the summit, reports receiving 11 bookings and 25 inquiries so far, with more expected during the course of the week.

She told 20 Minuten that some of the clientele “book escorts for themselves and their employees to party in the hotel suite.”

Sex worker and writer, Salome Balthus (36), commented on the situation on Twitter, stating that working during the summit often involves dealing with security guards and sharing chocolates from the hotel with them.

“Date in Switzerland during #WWF means looking at the gun muzzles of security guards in the hotel corridor at 2 a.m. – and then sharing the giveaway chocolates from the restaurant with them and gossiping about the rich… #Davos #WEF,” Balthus wrote.

She would not reveal who her clients were, but cautioned: “Believe me, you don’t want to get into litigation with them.”

Several Republican lawmakers had announced their plans to attend the Davos meeting, American Faith previously reported.

One of the meetings, called “Reshaping the legislative landscape in the United States,” will feature Republicans Governor Brian Kemp of Georgia and Representative Maria Elvira Salazar of Florida.

In a statement, a spokesperson for Gov. Kemp noted that he will share with leaders how “the state of Georgia’s long record of conservative governance, protecting individual liberty, and championing opportunity can serve as a model for economic success across the country and around the world.”

Also said to be in attendance are Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), Senator Kames Risch (R-ID), and Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI).

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