
CDC Hides Serious Adverse Events Linked to COVID-19 Vax: New Documents

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been accused of deliberately leaving out serious adverse events in post-vaccination surveys, despite being aware of the potential link to COVID-19 vaccines, according to an in-depth report from The Epoch Times.

The revelations come from documents newly obtained by the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) that show the CDC’s V-safe survey system protocol—intended to monitor vaccine safety—lists myocarditis, stroke, death, and a dozen “prespecified medical conditions” as being of “special interest” linked to coronavirus vaccines.

However, these conditions were not included in the actual surveys. Respondents were only able to check boxes for certain symptoms, with only 10 lower-level problems such as fever and nausea being listed as options.

Aaron Siri, a lawyer representing ICAN, said: “It’s deeply troubling that the CDC would construct V-safe in a manner that does not permit it to be able to easily assess the rate of harm from adverse events the CDC had already identified as potentially being caused by these products.”

“This calls into question what the CDC was really trying to accomplish with V-safe. Was it trying to assess the actual safety of these products? Or was it trying to design a system that would be more likely to affirm its previous public pronouncements regarding the safety of these products?” Siri asked.

Launched during the COVID-19 pandemic, V-safe was developed and is managed by the CDC, Epoch Times notes. Americans were encouraged to use the system’s smartphone-only surveys to report their experiences after vaccination. As of July 31, 2022, around 10 million people had signed up.

Despite describing the results of V-safe in multiple studies, the CDC refused to release the data until legal action was taken by the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN).

When the data was finally released in October 2022, it showed that more than 3.2 million people sought medical attention or missed school, work, or other normal activities following vaccination.

The CDC posted some of the V-safe data on December 1, 2022, several months after their self-imposed deadline passed.

Respondents were able to report serious adverse events, but only by writing them out in a free-text field.

The CDC has refused to release these results, arguing that it would be too onerous to review the 6.8 million entries for personally identifiable information (PII).

The agency has only offered to review all the entries if ICAN pays for the cost of the review.

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