
State Considers Radical Abortion Bill – Intercessors for America

PROA would have drastic consequences on both women and the unborn. This bill has to be stopped.

From The Federalist. Minnesota Democrats are poised to ignore the at least 69 percent of Americans who say they want significant limits on abortion to pass the state’s most radical abortion bill, which would legalize taxpayer-funded on-demand abortion for all.

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The Protect Reproductive Options Act (PROA)the first bill Democrats introduced in both the state House and Senate this session, would repeal dozens of the state’s protections for women and babies and expand legal immunity for abortions up until the moment of birth and beyond.

The bill is eagerly supported by Planned Parenthood and its allies in the press and the Biden administration, but legal experts say it goes “far beyond any interpretation of the Minnesota Supreme Court case Doe v. Gomez,” the state’s version of Roe v. Wade. …

That doesn’t matter to state legislators, who could vote on the bill in the Minnesota House as soon as Thursday. …

Ends Protections for Babies Born Alive

Minnesota law recognizes babies who are born alive following a botched abortion as “a human person under the law.” The Born Alive Infants Protection Act reconfirmed these babies deserve and receive life-saving medical care.

The PROA, however, terminates the protections …

Lifts Prohibitions on Taxpayer-Funded Abortions

Current statute bars Minnesota from funneling taxpayer dollars to any nonprofit that offers abortions. …

The PROA explicitly abolishes provisions that shield taxpayers from funding abortion for all through all nine months of pregnancy.

Nullifies Parental Notification

If a minor requests an abortion, Minnesota law requires that parents or guardians be notified before she goes through with it. …

This legislation nullifies those requirements …

Cancels Protections for ‘Viable’ Preborn Babies

“Viable” as defined in Minnesota law means “able to live outside the womb even though artificial aid may be required” … The PROA doesn’t just rid the state of that definition in an attempt to expand abortion for all through birth. It also quashes provisions that abortions performed beyond the first trimester must be done in hospitals and only executed if a mother’s life is at risk. …

Halts Reporting If Women Die from Abortions

Abortions are not a safe procedure for the mother or baby, which is why Minnesota law requires abortionists to report if a woman dies due to abortion. … Under the new legislation, abortionists will not be penalized for refusing to report abortion-related deaths. …

Repeals Felony Charges for Sale of Abortion Pill, Other Abortion-Inducing Devices

The PROA seeks to repeal the threat of criminal charges for anyone who manufactures, sells, or advertises abortion-inducing devices or drugs. …

Ends Informed Consent for Women

Minnesota statute 145.4242, also known as the “Woman’s Right to Know Act,” says women must be told the “particular medical risks associated with the particular abortion procedure,” the gestational age of the child, and, in the case of a late-term abortion, whether painkillers will be given to the unborn child during the abortion, and “what medical assistance benefits may be available for prenatal care, childbirth, and neonatal care.” …

If the PROA passes, abortionists do not have to explain any abortion risks to the woman. …

Childbirth No Longer State Policy

Minnesota’s state policy is that childbirth, as opposed to abortion, “is to be given preference, encouragement and support by law and by state action, it being in the best interests of the well-being and common good of Minnesota citizens.”

Passage of the PROA will change the state’s policy from pro-life to pro-abortion.

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(Excerpt from The Federalist. Photo Credit: Maria Oswalt on Unsplash)

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