
What Is God’s Will for My Life?

When we recite the Lord’s prayer, we say it without even really acknowledging the true depths of what we are asking when we say, “Your Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.” Often, we do not realize just how much we ought to desire the Will of God to be fulfilled in our lives, for His Will is always the best-case scenario and the right thing for the journey long-term. How can we know what God’s Will is in our lives, and how can we be active in prayer and participation to see it come to pass?

It Will Not Always Make Sense in the Moment

God’s Will does not always look clear or feel comfortable in the moment. Consider when Jesus offered in John 13:7, “You may not understand what I am doing now, but one day you will.” This must have been confusing to those around Him, but in time it did make sense. The Will of God will not always feel cushy as well. Consider the story of Ruth and how she and her mother-in-law, Naomi, had to travel a decent distance facing poverty, hunger, and much more after the death of her husband. Inevitably, God’s Will would be played out, and Ruth would come to meet Boaz, and they would marry and go on to be in the lineage of Jesus, but that course was not easy. There were days when the situation must have looked very hopeless and dim, but God’s Will was still being carried out. When we too find ourselves in such places where we are walking in the Will of God, and it does not feel great, we can glean from Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” We may not always feel fantastic along the way, but ultimately God knows the best for us; we can trust that His Will is what is best for the story of our lives and the good of the Kingdom.

God’s Will Is for Us to Trust Him

God’s desire and Will is that we trust Him, even when it does not make sense in our logic. The logic of the world or our human understanding is very limited, but God’s is infinite and without bounds. Isaiah 55:8-9 shares, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” With this in mind, when it comes to God’s Will being carried out in our lives and knowing His Will, we must recall that He desires us to trust Him, even without complete understanding. Through God, we can access peace even in the unknown by asking for it from His Holy Spirit. We do not need to know every facet of the story to know that He is good. If God is asking you to trust Him with an obstacle or a journey, your job is not to know how it will play out. He is just asking for you to obey His commands and to rest that He is worthy of our trust. Remember, too, that God cares even more about your heart and life than you do, for He created you. So, what you may think right now is the greatest and best could be but a sliver of the goodness He actually has for you. This is why we must not desire or attempt to bring about our own Will but rather trust that His Will is correct.

Our Will vs. God’s Will

The human Will is a strong thing. Especially in an age where we see “manifesting” as a practice so popular it has almost become commonplace. This is a danger in that the human Will and desire are not always what is most beneficial to the person, and it can often lead to disaster. Not to mention manifesting is also a form of witchcraft. Whether manifesting is practiced or not, when we neglect to invite the Holy Spirit to guide and direct our paths and when we take matters into our own hands based on what we can see, touch, feel, and control in front of us, we then stray away from the path and the Will of God. Charles Stanley once said, “whatever you acquire outside of God’s Will eventually turns to ash,” which is very true. For a time, it may seem great and like a wild success, but whatever is done, acquired, or achieved outside of the Will of God is subject to the fire’s life will in itself through at it overall. 1 Corinthians 3:13 explains, “their work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person’s work.” Be it a relationship, a venture, or anything else outside the Will of God, it will eventually turn to ash. Because the fires of life will test it, and if the blessing of God does not back it, then it really has no internal strength to last. This is part of why we should ask God what His Will is in our lives to avoid such perilous and painful experiences.

Getting Back on Track

Staying in God’s Will and on His path has been compared to driving with a GPS. When you follow the GPS’s navigation, you may still encounter traffic, unexpected issues along the way, and backroads. Still, there is greater and more knowledgeable guidance telling you exactly when to turn and exactly how to get to the destination. When we ignore the GPS and go in our own way, that is how it is to step outside the Will of God. We have the total and complete option at any time to get back on the course that the GPS is calling us to return to, but even turning around can be met with struggle and consequence. When we go our own way, we find ourselves lost, frustrated, and realizing that we have wasted time, energy, and strength because of our stubborn ambitions. However, we still have the option to make just one turn to God to get back on track, but we have to make that move and call.

Closing Thoughts

Knowing the Will of God requires humble submission to follow Him where He leads and obedience to go where He says to go. We will not always know exactly why He is leading us in such a manner or direction, but our understanding is not required to reach the end goal. We must trust that the Creator of the Universe is greater than us, He knows more than us, and that He is worthy of our trust and obedience. Will you trust Him today and desire and follow out His Will for your own life?

Photo credit: ©GettyImages/MangoStarStudio

Cally Logan is an author and US History teacher from Richmond, Virginia. In her free time, she enjoys mentoring youth and spending time in nature. Her book, Hang on in There, Girl! Will be available everywhere on April 1, 2022. Check her out on Instagram and Twitter, @CallyLogan and TikTok Cally_Logan. 

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