
Praise Report: Healing and IFA State Prayer – Intercessors for America

Rev. Wendell Owens, IFA’s state prayer leader for New Mexico, has shared a joyous praise report and testimony regarding a cancer diagnosis in December. To our God be all the praise! May this testimony of God’s healing mercies in Christ Jesus be an encouragement to all. Our God is more than able, and with Him, nothing shall be impossible!

Let the IFA community know how to pray for you.

Wendell posted the details on Facebook. Here is what he had to say:

Below is a copy of my Facebook post to all that follow me, to come to prayer meeting. … I had asked all my prayer warriors to pray for me since the 1st diagnosis of cancer in Dec. 2022 & they were all waiting to hear the results of my biopsy appointment. …

1st, thank you all for every prayer you prayed for me … IT WORKED, for you see, there WERE signs of cancer in the back part/soft palate in my throat just 3 weeks ago. 2 Dr.’s confirmed it. The 1st was in late December by my dentist, Dr. Perez, while doing an oral exam before proceeding to fix my dentures. She even wrote out her diagnosis for my PC, Dr. Laboy at the VA, to read, “Throat Cancer.” The 2d week of January 2023, I saw Dr. Laboy at the VA, and he concurred and sent me to ENT for a biopsy to confirm & begin treatment for cancer. Just this last week, I was thoroughly examined by an otolaryngologist, who, after his through exam, told me that no biopsy was needed, for there was NOTHING to biopsy — NO Cancer anywhere. He could only find a tiny bit of dead & dormant tonsil tissue there, which he said is nothing to be concerned about, for it is normal as we age & have dry-mouth issues.

My heart leaped, and I almost came out of that chair and screamed: Thank You, Jesus!!!! (I did, down deep in my soul.)

I have a follow-up exam/consultation in 30 days.

As I walked down the halls of the VA & out the door, I began to praise God as my Jehovah Rapha (God my healer), Jireh (my provider), and Shalom (my peace), and spoke the scriptures: “BY His stripes I am healed”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am walking on clouds tonight with great joy, and it’s all because our prayers WORK!!!

It seems God is not finished with me yet, so I invite each one of you to come join us [in IFA state prayer groups] — for you might be next in line for a miracle. …

God is doing miraculous things, and yours might be next in line. Here’s [how to join: visit the IFA state prayer page by clicking here]. The numbers are toll-free anywhere in America, so call us.

Praise be to Almighty God for the things He has done!!!!

IFA State Prayer Leader Wendell Owens

Please share your praises — and petitions for healing — in the comments below.

Rev. Wendell Owens is IFA’s state prayer leader for New Mexico. Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash


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