
Defense Team of Idaho ‘Cult Mom’ Make Stunning Move to Dismiss Case

(Screenshot Twitter Nate Eaton East Idaho News)

Lori Vallow, the now infamous ‘Cult Mom’ who is accused of murdering her two children with her husband Chad Daybell, stood in an Idaho court Thursday and asked for her case to be dismissed.

After spending 1,169 days in jail, her defense team is arguing that her right to a speedy trial has been denied.

“The first trial setting in this instant case was for Oct. 11, 2022, since that was within six months of April 19, 2022. The government then asked for more time and the Court granted the request and set trial for Jan. 9, 2023. This violated her right to a speedy trial,” the motion states.

There have been multiple delays to the trial ranging from precautions with the COVID pandemic to Vallow undertaking competency evaluations to stand trial.

As reported by Yahoo News, the defense team released a timeline of events regarding the trials process in the motion to dismiss showing:

“Her initial arrest in Hawaii in Feb. 2020, when she was held on $5 million bond; her indictment in May 2021; her arraignment in April 2022; her first trial setting on the indictment in October 2022; her second trial setting on the indictment in January 2023; and her third trial setting on the indictment, which is scheduled for April of this year, totaling 1,169 days in prison.”

Vallow and Daybell stand accused of murdering her two children, seven-year-old Joshua “J.J.” Vallow and 17-year-old Tylee Ryan, back in Sept. of 2019 when the children mysteriously disappeared.

In the months the children were missing, a massive manhunt was organized for them, and Vallow continuously changed her story about where the children were and who they were with to the authorities.

Meanwhile, Vallow and Daybell stand accused of taking the deceased childrens social security numbers and collecting benefits from it in their name. Amid the search for her children, Vallow and Daybell escaped to Hawaii, but the vacation was short lived once the media and authorities discovered they had absconded to the island.

Authorities in Arizona, where Vallow had previously lived and was married, have also indicted Vallow for the murder of her ex-husband Charles Vallow in July 2019.

The spiritual ramifications of this tragic and heart-rending story should not be lost on Christians in America.

Vallow is a sad and cautionary tale of the impact and dangers of being spiritually seduced by the principalities, powers and rulers of darkness that Paul warns the church in Ephesus, and all Christians, about.

Satan truly does want to steal, kill and destroy everything on this planet, sowing chaos, fear and pain wherever he and his forces can get a foothold.

His attempts at minimizing and reducing the severity of his goals to undo, corrupt and transform that which God has created are evident in societies throughout the world. Witchcraft is now commercialized and targeted to young children, the LGBTQ agenda has reached a religious crescendo and pagan statues are being erected again around the world.

Christians must take this enemy of God seriously, for if they don’t horrific events such as the Vallow murders will only become more common and may lead to a society that is desensitized to such crimes.

With God however, there is always hope in a dark world.

By equipping themselves as Paul commands in Ephesians 8:10-11 with the full Armor of God, Christians can not only fight back against the devil and his minions, but they will win those battles and change the world around them for the glory of God.

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James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma Media.

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