
China’s Bold Move – Intercessors for America

The Chinese surveillance balloon has been laughed at and mocked, but it could portend something far worse and it is part of decades of a strategic plan against the U.S.

Part of a “grave threat: the massive espionage campaign being waged by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) against the United States and our allies.” From World News Group.

. . . For at least three decades the CCP has been engaged in the most sustained and comprehensive spying effort by an adversary nation in American history. It is certainly the most extensive since Soviet intelligence services first began penetrating the United States in the 1930s.

This CCP campaign has been relentless in its ambition and reach. It seeks to purloin America’s business, science, and technology expertise; steal our national security secrets; influence our educational and political systems; and recruit our citizens to spy for China. It amounts to perhaps $500 billion or more in intellectual property theft from American companies every year. It is the threat that most worries the American intelligence community, and it is only growing in severity and sophistication.

What does this look like in practice? Chinese spy satellites are constantly looking down on American territory from outer space and are overhead even as you read this. Chinese cyberattacks are at this moment bombarding the computer systems of almost every U.S. government agency, major company, and university. Chinese intelligence officers, supported by Chinese companies, are overseeing the most extensive hacking, data mining, biodata theft, and electronic surveillance efforts in world history. . . .

I say all this not for fearmongering or hysteria, and certainly not to foment any animus against the Chinese people. They are most often victims of their government’s oppression. Many of the Chinese citizens studying and working in the United States face particularly acute pressure and intrusive surveillance from CCP intelligence services.

Rather I want to encourage a clear-eyed understanding of the threat. For too long, too many Americans—across virtually every sector in business, academia, entertainment, sports, and yes even churches—have been either oblivious or naïve to Beijing’s malevolent efforts.

Experts warn that Chinese balloon could portend an action to impact our power grid. From Newsmax. The high-altitude Chinese surveillance balloon . . . could be a dry run to deliver a nuclear device that would wipe out America’s power grid, according to a leading expert of electromagnetic pulse (EMP) devices.

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“China’s recent balloon flyover of the United States is clearly a provocative and aggressive act,” retired Air Force Maj. David Stuckenberg, who once led the Defense Department’s EMP Task Force, told the Washington Examiner. “It was most likely a type of dry run meant to send a strategic message to the USA. We must not take this for granted.”

Stuckenberg, founder and chairman of the American Leadership & Policy Foundation, wrote in a 2015 paper that high-altitude balloons would be the easiest to resource, equip, and launch a nuclear device in the atmosphere that would act as an EMP and dismantle the U.S. power grid. …

“Using a balloon as a [weapon of mass destruction/weapon of mass effect] platform could provide adversaries with a pallet of altitudes and payload options with which to maximize offensive effects against the U.S.,” Stuckenberg wrote. …

Stuckenberg wrote that the U.S. needs a deeper understanding of the potential of adversaries to use low-tech strategic delivery options such as balloons. …

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(Excerpt from Newsmax. Photo Credit: Canva)

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