
Syrians Pray Thinking It’s Judgement Day When Catastrophic 7.8 Magnitude Earthquake Strike

A destructive 7.8 magnitude earthquake strikes Syria wrecking their homes and claiming hundreds and thousands of lives.

According to The Guardian, the aftermath of the powerful magnitude 7.8 earthquake continues to take a heavy toll in Turkey and Syria, with the confirmed death toll rising to 4,365. According to Turkey’s Disaster and Emergency Management Authority, the number of casualties in Turkey has increased to 2,921, while the latest toll in Syria remains at 1,444.

Despite the efforts of rescue teams and aid organizations, the situation remains dire as the search and rescue operation continues into its second day. The devastating impact of the earthquake is a grim reminder of the need for preparedness in the face of natural disasters.

Kneeling and Praying Fears That It Was Judgement Day

The humanitarian agency is working closely with the Turkish government and disaster management to address the emerging needs and is also preparing to support relief efforts in Syria.

This comes at a time when children in Syria are already facing one of the direst humanitarian crises in the world. The country’s decade-long conflict, economic crisis, and devastated public infrastructure have left two-thirds of the population in need of assistance.

The strong and massive earthquake left compounded with the threat of waterborne diseases, presents yet another perilous situation for children and families affected by the disaster.

According to Daily Mail, the earthquake that struck Syria has not only resulted in physical damage and death but has also left a profound psychological impact on its citizens. People who have been suffering through the 11-year civil war, with up to 610,000 fatalities, were plunged into fear as buildings started to collapse before dawn.

They spoke of kneeling and praying, fearing that it was judgment day. The experience was described as being far more difficult than the trauma of shells and bullets by a 37-year-old Aleppo native who escaped with his family this morning.

The earthquake has affected at least 16 cities in Syria, causing widespread damage and casualties. Many people, including children, are displaced and remain outside in the streets and open areas.

The government has closed schools and universities for the day, with some being used as shelters. The psychological impact on the people, as reported by Angela Kearney, UNICEF Representative in Syria, is grave, with fear and shock evident in the eyes of the survivors.

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Authorities Continue to Struggle in Rescue Operations Because of Lacking Equipment

In another update on CNN, the aftermath of the earthquake in Syria has left a dire situation, with many citizens facing fear, lack of shelter, and harsh weather conditions, according to the UN’s Humanitarian Coordinator in Syria, El-Mostafa Benlamlih. The search and rescue efforts are made difficult by the lack of heavy equipment, making the situation even tougher.

The continuous rain and expected snow in the area are also posing challenges to the rescue work. The UN has distributed supplies from its stock but more is needed to support the affected people who are spending their nights in freezing temperatures, scared to return to their homes. The situation remains grim, with the possibility of more buildings collapsing in the vulnerable region.

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