
Trump’s Lawyer Says More Christians Must Get Involved in Elections

(Charisma News archives)

Steve Bannon, the host of the “War Room” program, wrote in the “Introduction” of Christina Bobb’s new book “Stealing Your Vote: The Inside Story of the 2020 Election and What It Means for 2024,” that “an elitist cabal of globalists aim to syphon our freedoms to centralize it among a few.”

He goes on to write, “If [the globalists] can convince us that their power grab was our choice, they can seize control of the freest nation ever to exist and strip us of our rights before we’re wise enough to stop them. They’re doing it through our elections. The front line of the globalist takeover is the ballot box…. The tragic collapse of our election system is changing America.”

But two forces that can stop the advancement of the globalist agenda, which rejects the Truth of Jesus Christ and the dignity of each individual person: free and fair elections, and courageous Christians who step forward to get involved in the fight for election integrity.

“We need everyone who considers themselves a conservative Christian to be either volunteering or working on elections or involved in some way, whether you’re working for the local county election office or a part of a grassroots movement.”

Bobb insists that all of the conflict and intimidation surrounding elections, such as questioning why the 2020 election seemed problematic, are part of psychological warfare that has secretly gripped America from within.

In her book, she goes into painstaking details about how many Republicans demonstrated cowardice and a lack of leadership in the aftermath of the 2020 election, how the mainstream media colluded with the Democrats to articulate a sweeping narrative that shrouded the fraud in secrecy, how Vice President Mike Pence failed America at an unforgettably historic level and how members of both political parties worked to undermine the preservation of election integrity in several key states, particularly in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

People from both major political parties should want honest, fair and corruption-free elections. To be against election integrity with voter ID and signature verification is to be for election corruption, which taints all elected officials in elections where there is evidence of irregularities, inconsistencies, negligence and a broken chain of custody.

Responding in faith as if she is going to pick up a slingshot and take down Goliath (like David in the Old Testament), Bobb encourages Christians to get involved as a commitment to freedom, not just for today, but also for future generations.

A part of the problem with Millennials and Generation Z is their lack of understanding history in the proper context. Many have believed the propaganda pushed by the mainstream media and the corrupt educational system at every level. But elections can still change things if people with wisdom and discernment roll up their sleeves and get to work in elections.

“Our elections right now are the one thing that keep us free,” says Trump’s lawyer. “I would argue right now that we’re not free. We’re not as free as we are supposed to be under the auspices of the U.S. Constitution.”

Freedom is essential to living a godly life, ranging from free will to the freedom to hold church services during the government’s austere measures to shut down religious institutions as “non-essential” while allowing liquor stores to remain open as “essential” amid the height of the COVID pandemic response.

2023CMPrintcoverBobb endures severe criticism and attacks because of her commitment to God, election integrity and the U.S. Constitution. It’s her faith in God and her love of America that give her the inner strength to face all of the adversities. She firmly believes that the Lord still has His hand on America for His purposes.

“Without the United States, I think the world becomes a very dark place very quickly. I believe that God has a plan for the United States of America, and I believe He has a plan for the entire world. The best way to support other countries around the world is to have the strongest and most prosperous United States as possible. I absolutely love this country. I love all the freedoms we have. I want to do everything I can to save it, and I think it will be saved. But it will take all of us, as people of faith, to get involved.”

Editor’s Note: This is the second of a two-part series. For part one, click here.

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Anthony Hart is a freelance writer.

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