
Apostate Minister Spreads False Message to Thousands

An ordained minister within the Disciples of Christ, claiming to hold advanced degrees from schools of divinity at Duke and Yale, continues spreading opinions wrapped in the Word of God on social media.

Rev. Caleb Hines posted a sermon on social media making claims about the divinity of God that are clearly contradictory to the Word of God.

“God is gay. God is a lesbian. God is trans. God is gender non-binary. God is straight. God is cis-gender. God is Black. God is white. God is Middle Eastern. God is Asian. God is differently abled, mentally and physically. God is able bodied. God is you. You are God, because you are a reflection of God’s divine image,” Hines was recorded saying.

While the notion of cloaking one’s own personal ideologies in Scripture in the hopes of justifying sinful lifestyle is not new, this practice has increased in recent years, especially in apostate churches that look to transform and “modernize” the Word of God.

A self-proclaimed “progressive Christian,” Hines and the Disciples of Christ denomination push narratives such as Jesus being a liberal, the need for gun control in America, the inclusion of the radical LGBTQ agenda and that true Christianity needs to be “reclaimed” because everything from Constantine on is wrong.

“The word ‘Christian’ has been hijacked,” claims Pastor Marshela Salgado-Solorio in defense of progressive Christianity. “Not just in recent decades, but this is centuries and centuries of hijacking. Progressive Christianity is trying to strip everything from Constantine on.”

In their eyes, the Great Awakenings got it wrong. The Azusa and Brownsville revivals got it wrong. According to their progressive doctrine, everything contrary to modern-day, radical leftist ideologies are wrong.

Including the written Word of God.

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn’s message to President Joe Biden addressing the apostasy in the White House and America at large is just as relevant to these deceived “pastors” as it was to the President.

“You have called yourself a Christian, but how can you in reality be a Christian if you wage war against the ways and the Word of God,” Cahn asked.

“The Bible says that in the last days there will be a great apostasy, a great falling away, from faith. And thus, we will see a Christian-based civilization and nations falling into apostasy. We would then expect that the leaders of such nations will themselves be fallen into apostasy, and thus, will embody that apostasy. Have you not become the embodiment of that apostasy? We are now there.”

With faith leaders such as Hines and Salgado-Solorio falsely cloaking the Word of God in radical ideologies that are contrary to the very being of God in every way, Rabbi Cahn’s words strike true in their discernment of the times.

Rabbi Cahn also shares how to turn away from this road of apostasy that only leads to death.

“The only hope America has, and each of us have, is to turn to repent and to come under His mercy and into those [God’s] arms,” Cahn extolled. “The hour is late, and eternity is soon coming. Repent and turn to God for the only hope America has is revival and the only hope…all of us have is salvation.”

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James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma Media.

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