
Pope Francis Urges Church to Avoid Political Labels and Focus on Spiritual Mission

On the day of the celebration of Ash Wednesday, Pope Francis gave a message as the season of Lent is about to begin. The pope told the people who attended, and it is believed to be intended for everyone, that the politicization of the gospel must not be considered and must be avoided.

Pope Francis emphasized that everything should be evaluated based on whether it promotes the proclamation of Christ. He disapproved of using the Gospel as an exclusive in-group or club and cautioned against reducing Christianity to a mere ideology.

The Gospel Must Not Be Politicized, Said the Pope

According to Fox News, in his message, Pope Francis stressed the importance of recognizing the true nature of the Gospel, cautioning against reducing it to an idea or ideology. He explained that the Gospel is a powerful message that can touch people’s hearts and inspire change, not just mere equipment for someone to use for their own gain.

The pope expressed concern that some people may use the Gospel to advance political agendas or promote exclusive groups or clubs. He warned against reducing the Gospel to a mere political party, ideology, or club, stressing that the message of the Gospel goes beyond these things and is meant to touch the hearts of all people.

Christianity is not simply a set of rules or beliefs but a transformative message that can change and improve lives and lead to a more just life.

As he continued his speech, Pope Francis emphasized the essence of praying to the Holy Spirit and invoking His presence rather than solely speaking to Jesus and the Father or the Virgin Mary and the saints. According to Feast, he stressed that while the Church may have organized communities, institutes, and movements, without the Spirit, everything remains soulless.

The pope explained that the Spirit gives life to the Church. Without Him, the Church risks closing in on itself and engaging in sterile debates and wearisome polarizations, ultimately losing the flame of its mission. He expressed sadness that the Church sometimes operates like a parliament rather than a community of believers in Jesus Christ, guided by the Holy Spirit.

Also Read: Pope Francis Takes Firm Stand to Limit Latin Mass: A Controversial Move to Modernize Catholic Worship 

Pope Recently Intervenes in Latin Mass Celebrations Aiming To Modernize Worship

Recently, Pope Francis moved to modernize the way worship is held and limited the celebrations of Latin Masses. According to a recent article by Christianity Daily, Pope Francis has issued a new legal decree allowing the approval of new festivals of the old rite. This means that the Vatican must support any new celebrations of the traditional Latin Mass, or “old rite,” by signing off on bishops’ decisions to allow other parish churches to hold the Latin Mass or to permit newly ordained priests to celebrate it.

According to AP News, the Vatican’s liturgy office, led by British Cardinal Arthur Roche, has been tasked with evaluating requests from bishops to celebrate the Latin Mass on behalf of the Holy See. All requests for the Latin Mass must go through this office for evaluation and approval.

This new decree is significant because it shows Pope Francis’ efforts to balance the traditional and modern aspects of the Catholic Church. The vernacular Mass largely replaced the Latin Mass in the 1960s after the Second Vatican Council, but some traditionalists have continued to advocate for the old rite. The pope’s decree allows for greater flexibility in celebrating the Latin Mass while maintaining the Church’s unity and authority.

Related Article: Pope Francis Sparks Speculation of Potential Resignation with Sermon on ‘Stepping Aside at the Right Time’  

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