
I make peace with my procrastination

I have a confession to make. I used to be ridiculed for my punctuality and preparedness. If I were tasked with some sinecure, I’d be Johnny on the spot: complete, ready, confident. And if I had an appointment, I had an uncanny knack for arriving on the dot, not a minute early or late. All of this good behavior constituted a point of pride for me. 

I think my time conscientiousness and unfailing fulfillment of tasks irked some people, though. I recall one dinner invitation where I waited at my host’s front door, my finger hovering above the doorbell until I pressed it precisely at the appointed hour. My host appeared and seemed mildly put off. “You did say 6?” I inquired, but the look on his face read, “Well, yes – but really!”

In the interim, all of this self-control and punctuality seems to have unraveled. For the life of me, I can no longer get anywhere on time. And when a task is in the offing, well, my house is a legacy of well-intentioned but uncompleted projects. (Exhibit A: I put in a garden with high expectations, but I put off constructing a fence. To the animals that ravaged my beans and cucumbers I say, “You’re welcome!”)

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