
Insider Insights as Border Crisis Heats Up – Intercessors for America

I Prayed

have prayed

God, we pray that You would strengthen our border. Give our leaders wisdom, Father, and inspire them to take the necessary action.

This week is a critical time for the border. The Trump-era Title 42 will end on May 11, 2023 — this Thursday. Ahead of the ending of this protection, some 1 million people have massed outside our southern border. IFA interviewed an expert on the border, who shared insights on how to pray.

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IFA Chief Program Officer Kris Kubal sat down with Rep. Glenn Grothman, chairman of the Subcommittee on National Security, the Border, and Foreign Affairs, to discuss the crisis at the border. Grothman spoke about unaccompanied children, extreme quantities of fentanyl, and the growing power of the cartels.

In addition to shedding light on the crisis, Grothman shared how he hopes to continue raising awareness and eventually pressure our leaders into securing the border.

Watch this enlightening interview below:

How are you praying for our border? Share this article to encourage others to pray.

(Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

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