
Whispers to soldiers can win Myanmar’s war

Dictators worry when young men start to listen to the voices for freedom among the people rather than join the military. For Vladimir Putin, a mass conscription last year to boost troop numbers in Ukraine went so badly the Russian leader appears reluctant to do it again. A similar problem now confronts the military junta in Myanmar two years into a brutal war on pro-democracy forces.

The army in the Southeast Asian nation has shrunk by an estimated half because of problems in recruitment. Among the rank and file, defections and desertions are on the rise. Many fighting-age men now side with the values of the National Unity Government (NUG), a resistance force created after the military ousted an elected government in 2021 and put democracy champion Aung San Suu Kyi in prison.

With fewer soldiers on the ground and a massive loss of territory, the regime has resorted to air strikes on NUG forces and civilians. “So far in 2023, Myanmar had the highest number of civilian casualties by airstrike in the world,” claims the Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development.

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