
Controversy Erupts as Christian Group in Hong Kong Faces Accusations of Same-Sex Conversion Therapy

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A Christian group in Hong Kong finds itself embroiled in a heated controversy as it faces accusations of engaging in same-sex conversion therapy. The allegations, brought forth by LGBTQ+ activists, have sparked widespread debate and drawn attention to the ongoing struggles for LGBTQ+ rights in the region.

Same-sex Conversion Therapy

According to an article from UCA News, the accusations against the group, known as New Creation Association, originated from testimonies shared by individuals who claim to have undergone conversion therapy under the organization’s guidance. Conversion therapy is a controversial practice of changing a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity through various means, often involving psychological or spiritual interventions.

In response to the allegations, LGBTQ+ activists have condemned NCA, asserting that conversion therapy is ineffective and harmful and perpetuates discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community. They argue that such practices disregard the scientific consensus that homosexuality is not a disorder and that attempts to change one’s sexual orientation can lead to severe psychological distress. As news of the accusations spread, several human rights organizations and advocacy groups joined forces to demand a thorough investigation into NCA’s activities. They urge the Hong Kong government to take immediate action to protect LGBTQ+ individuals from potential harm and to enact legislation prohibiting conversion therapy.

Moreover, voices of opposition have also emerged within the Christian community itself. Progressive Christian leaders have voiced their concerns, highlighting the importance of affirming the dignity and worth of all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation. They argue that true Christianity should be rooted in love and acceptance rather than attempting to change an inherent aspect of a person’s identity.

Amidst the controversy, NCA released a statement denying the accusations against them. They claim their organization supports individuals with sexual orientation but does not engage in conversion therapy. According to their statement, their goal is to provide guidance and counseling to individuals grappling with their faith and sexuality, fostering an environment of understanding and acceptance.

Also Read: UK Government Ban on ‘Conversion Therapy’ to Protect LGBT But Other Countries Have Different Thoughts

Conversion Therapy in Other Country

Conversion therapy, a highly controversial practice to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity, continues to be a subject of intense scrutiny and debate worldwide. In recent developments, Switzerland and the U.S. state of Minnesota have taken significant steps to address the issue, with each region adopting measures to ban conversion therapy and protect LGBTQ+ individuals.

The Canton of Vaud has become Switzerland’s latest jurisdiction to outlaw conversion therapy. A report from CNE News stated that the new legislation prohibits any form of treatment that seeks to alter a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity. The ban encompasses minors and adults and includes various methods such as talk therapy, electric shocks, and other coercive practices. The groundbreaking move by the Canton of Vaud aligns with the growing international consensus that conversion therapy is ineffective and harmful, leading to severe psychological distress and societal discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals.

Furthermore, as reported by CBS News, Minnesota, lawmakers recently approved legislation prohibiting licensed mental health professionals from practicing conversion therapy on minors. The law also protects gender-affirming care, abortion rights, and refugee rights. The measure aims to safeguard vulnerable LGBTQ+ youth from the potential harm caused by conversion therapy, acknowledging the need to support and affirm their identities.

Related Article:Conversion Therapy Ban Called Unlawful by Legal Expert

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