
Christian Groups Call for Independent Panel to Address Rising Attacks in India

Pixabay/ Antonio Cansino

In response to the alarming increase in attacks against Christians in India, Christian groups are demanding the establishment of an independent panel to monitor and address the escalating violence. These groups assert that organizations associated with the ruling pro-Hindu Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) are responsible for these sectarian crimes.

Call for Independent Panels

According to a report from UCA News, during a recent hearing on Monday, May 8, a petition presented in the Supreme Court highlighted the federal government’s inclusion of certain Hindu groups, such as the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (World Hindu Council) and the Bajarang Dal (brigade of Lord Hanuman), among those accused of isolated attacks on Christians. However, the government has denied systematic persecution against Christians, stating that these incidents were isolated.

Archbishop Peter Machado of Bangalore, the National Solidarity Forum, and the Evangelical Fellowship of India led the petitioners who approached the Supreme Court in 2021, seeking intervention to curb violence against Christians. They argued that such violence had intensified since the BJP came to power.

Citing the government’s admission of political groups associated with it being involved in sectarian crimes, the petitioners emphasized their need for more trust in the government’s ability to monitor or report such incidents. They urged the court to establish an independent monitoring agency led by a retired Supreme Court judge comprising distinguished police officials.

Moreover, the three-judge bench led by Supreme Court Chief Justice D Y Chandrachud has yet to respond to Archbishop Machado’s demand and the requests put forth by others. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s federal government has consistently opposed any initiatives to monitor violence against Christians nationwide, denying the existence of persecution in the country.

In response to the government’s denial, the petitioners argue that the anti-conversion laws in 11 provinces are frequently employed against Christians, contributing to their vulnerability and the rise in attacks against them. In its affidavit submitted to the court, the government dismissed the petitioners’ allegations, referring to the reports of attacks as baseless and unverified and suggesting that personal disputes are being presented as communal crimes.

On the other hand, the Supreme Court’s decision regarding establishing an independent panel to address the mounting attacks on Christians in India remains pending, with tensions and concerns surrounding the issue persisting within the country.

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Rising Attacks on the Indian Christians Community

In an unfortunate trend, the Indian Christian community has been facing a surge in attacks, raising concerns about their safety and religious freedom. Numerous incidents have been reported recently, highlighting the need for immediate attention to address this escalating issue.

According to a report from Indian Catholic News, Christian groups in India have called for establishing an independent panel to monitor and combat the growing violence against their community. These groups have expressed their belief that organizations affiliated with the ruling pro-Hindu Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) are behind these attacks, which are considered sectarian.

Furthermore, one specific incident that has sparked outrage involved a Hindu mob entering a church in Chhattisgarh and attacking the pastor, resulting in the hospitalization of nine Christians, as reported by Maktoob Media. This incident is a stark example of the targeted violence faced by Christians in India.

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