Regeneration and the Holy Spirit

The Lord does, in fact, produce the new birth in all who believe in Jesus; and their believing is the …

For Those Whom God has Afflicted?

Why does God afflict us? Because He loves us, and wishes to make us holy as He is holy, and …

Worship on Earth as It Is in Heaven

Worship is not us performing for God, but a reenactment of God’s work for us. Everything about the eternal worship …

What Does Joshua 24:15 Mean?

Joshua’s call to Israel was urgent: “choose this day whom you will serve” (Josh. 24:15). For us today, this remains …

The Secret of Contentment

When we begin to “count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord” (Phil. …

The Kind of Man Pastors Must Be

Every pastor must not be an arrogant man (Titus 1:7), but a humble one—a man who hears all these qualifications …

Guilt and the Great Deception in the Christian Life

Along with questions and comments about suffering and evolution, one of the major oppositions to Christianity, I hear, has to …