
10 Lies of the World You Should Watch Out For

We were running late Sunday morning when husband let me out in front of the sanctuary. I noticed a disheveled woman sitting on a bench near the fountain and heard that urging in my heart, “Go talk to her. Invite her to come inside with you.”

But my mind squirmed. We’re late. I had to find a seat so my husband could help with the offering, so I headed for the door.

I exchanged pleasantries with the greeter and rushed inside. But the Spirit prodded, “You need to talk with this woman.” Shushing the voice, I headed for the escalator, rehearsing all the reasons I couldn’t obey. The choir was already singing the first hymn. I glanced at my watch. How could we have been so late?

Without meaning to, I listened to a lie of the world and put my needs above another’s. Here are 10 temptations we need to be aware of as Christians:

Photo credit: ©Thinkstock/CasPhotography

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