
State Codifies Biological Definition of Sex – Intercessors for America

Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee recently signed two pieces of legislation: codifying a biological definition of sex, and preventing the mandated use of “preferred pronouns.”

From LifeSiteNews. The governor of Tennessee has signed legislation that defines sex as binary and biological in state law and allows teachers to reject the use of “preferred pronouns” with their students.

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Last week, Republican Gov. Bill Lee signed into law two bills that defend the true definition of sex and prevent teachers from being forced to participate in gender ideology in the classroom. Both pieces of legislation were signed on Wednesday, May 17. 

SB 1440 amends the Tennessee Code to include a statewide definition of sex, countering the lie permeating the country that human beings can choose whether they are men or women in total disregard of biological reality.

“As used in this code, ‘sex’ means a person’s immutable biological sex as determined by anatomy and genetics existing at the time of birth and evidence of a person’s biological sex,” the bill states. …

The law is set to take effect on July 1, 2023. 

SB 466 also challenges gender ideology by prohibiting teachers from being forced to use a student’s “preferred pronouns.” … 

Further, the law declares that a teacher or school employee “should never be compelled to affirm a belief with which the teacher or employee disagrees.” 

The law, which went into effect upon its signing, states that employees within the education system are not required “to use a student’s preferred pronoun when referring to the student if the preferred pronoun is not consistent with the student’s biological sex.” …

Additionally, those who refuse to use pronouns for a student that contradict the child’s sex may not be “subject to an adverse employment action for not using a student’s preferred pronoun.” …

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(Excerpt from LifeSiteNews. Photo Credit: Canva)

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